11 - Reconciliation

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"Senior Mercy is calling you" a classmate of mine said to me.

Why is senior Mercy calling me!?? I stood up and went to the direction of the SS3 block which was directly above my own floor. As I climbed the stairs, I kept wondering why Senior Mercy would be calling me. Don't get me wrong of anything, she wasn't mean, infact I liked her cause she was one helluva dancer too, and she coached me too for the InterHouse Sport even when she wasn't in my house.

Soon I arrived at her class,and she motioned for me to come in, which I did, still wondering why she was calling me.

"I know you're wondering why I called you" she said and I nodded. "Well it's because of my brother" really?!? "He's not really being himself for a while now, a mention of your name always puts him in a sour mood and I want to know what happened, I thought you two used to be very close" she said and I sighed before answering.

"Honestly if you'd ask me, I'll still tell you I don't know, he's the only one who can answer that question well. I've asked and begged multiple times but He just won't tell me what I did wrong, and I guess I got tired of asking, I'm sure he'd come around when he's ready, cause as for me! I'm done!! I've been disgraced multiple times cause of him, I became a laughing stock in my class cause of him and so I'm done." I explained and she smiled, before muttering a wow, "and yet he acts like you did one over big thing for him at home!!" She finally said and I shrugged. "But wait ohh think well, what did you do to him? Just think well!" She told me and well I racked my brain for any answer to that, yet I found none and I shrugged.

"You sure you don't know what you did to me?!" I heard a voice say behind me and I looked back to see him standing there with a scowl on his face.

Well I don't! If you won't tell me, then there's no point having this conversation" I said with my voice a pitch higher than normal, and people were beginning to stare, but Mercy just dragged I and her brother to another class that was completely empty, thanks to the after exams seasons where students will only be found in their respective classes when exams scripts were to be shared.

"I'll leave you two to talk" she told us and was about to leave, but turned again "don't kill yourselves before I get back" she said with a chuckle damn! She's the only one finding this whole thing funny "oh and Brian I want this whole thing settled, I'm tired of living with a grouchy brother" she told him before finally leaving.

For a minute or two, we stood there in complete silence, staring at the activities going on on the road outside the school.

"So you really don't know what you did, huh?" He asked again and I shook my head no. He turned to face me and I did the same. His face was emotionless as he said the next thing I wasn't expecting.

"I really don't know what you did to me anymore, I keep forgetting why I stopped talking to you anytime I stare at your face, your eyes, your beautiful lips, and most especially when I touch your hand, that keeps giving me reassurance that I'll be fine. I don't know what you did to me anymore! But you did hurt me real bad Keisha! You did hurt me real bad" he said and lowered his head to give me a Peck on the lip before walking away, leaving his wet traces on my lips damn his lips were heavenly even if it was for a split second! STOP!! I cautioned my self and pulled out of the daze, trying hard not to think about what he said but instead focus on the last thing he said "you hurt me real bad!" What the hell did I do!!!??? I kept asking myself but importantly was this whole malice thing over??
I don't even know what to think anymore, I finally left the seniors floor, not bothering to check on Mercy.

"This one that you and Brian are leaving the seniors' block together, is it what I think?" Tinu asked and I shrugged and narrated everything to her, after all she was supposed to be my best friend, but I guess not, as she went ahead and took the happy news around and I kept hearing "Finally The JSS3 couple are back together" I wasn't bothered though but that was until Brian denied everything that had happened and said I was just a liar! And that he'd never kiss a girl like me. Damn!!! Who stabbed me???

Tinu also believed them, and stated that truly I wasn't Brian's type of girl anymore, and she turned her back on me. Trust Nick to be there when you need a friend.

I Kept Thinking about everything and how stupid I was to think that Brian really cared and meant all he said upstairs.

Pftt!! Reconciliation! Or so I thought I mocked my self as I went back into my shell.

Who expected that???... Yeah nobody did!!! Brian's such a jack!! But did she really hurt him??
Stay Tuned💖

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