6 New School 2

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The summer before my resumption into jss3 (9th grade), my pastor's son, Emmanuel invited me to his school's summer lesson program. Well I couldn't go, my school also had this summer lesson program going on for upcoming jss3 students, to prepare us for the Waec and Neco exams. It just wasn't as fun for us as it was for the other classes. Unlike others who wore muftis to school, we went in our uniform, except from the students from outside who just came for the summer lesson.

A week before the summer lesson ended, our tuition fee and other fees were released. Well, I thought it was too much, and besides, I was getting tired of the school already. I keep hearing about how big my breasts are and it's getting tiring.


It was during break and I went with my girlfriends. A group of senior boys were by the toast bread vendor and we had to wait for them to finish before we went up to get ours. We were silently waiting for our turn, but we didn't know how we started conversing with the guys.

"You bitch!" a voice suddenly sounded beside me. At first I thought it was one of the girls playing with me, but I looked to the side just to see Naomi and her little group of minions glaring at me. I didn't know what was up so I acted like I wasn't the one they had just spoken to.

"Hey, you! I'm speaking to you!" Naomi tugged on my shoulder, making me face her suddenly. The boys got their food and left not without saying a very nice good bye and see you laters.

"What is it?" I asked coolly, but it was like Naomi wasn't cool. Her face was so funny, and I just couldn't help it, I started laughing. Not knowing the reason for my laughter, my girl friends to joined in the laugh.

"Oh! So because you have breast now, you think you can get all the boys in this school Abi? You can get all the attention Abi?" Naomi asked and that only fuelled my laughter and also gave my girls a genuine reason to laugh too.

Before I could speak up, Zainab spoke. "Oh, so now that power has changed hands, you're pained Abi?" she asked Naomi who just stood there glaring at us four. I honestly have no idea what she meant by power changed hands and I'm sure you wanna know.. Don't worry I'll ask her later when this drama is done.

In all honesty though, I envy Naomi, she was the perfect model type, unlike me, she was tall, a melanin popping, perfect shape, not too big ass, not too big boobies, long legs and the perfect catwalk. I still don't get why she's jealous of the small gift God decided to bless me with.

"See they will just fuck you, and share you all around" I heard Naomi say again and I laughed again. I don't know why I'm not able to give her a comeback but my girls, they ain't sleeping.

"Oh like they did to you?" Aishat answered and I laughed again. Why is everything just so funny to me??

"I have told you! Stay away from my boys" Naomi said, she was probably out of words.

"Tell your boys to stay away from me!" I said to her and faced the woman selling toasted breads who was just watching the drama diligently.

"She's just pained." Taiwo said and I smiled. "I understand" of course I don't

"I'm sorry she was a bitch, oh well she's part of the bitches though, but she was a bad bitch just now, she's just so used to having guys run after her, she was the most sought after in our set, but now, that's you, so she's pained" Kofo explained. Ohhhh really!? Now I understand

"It's fine, it's her problem, I don't care about any of those boys any way" I said and Taiwo coughed.

"Yeah right, you don't, every one knows you and Eric are an item now" she said and I laughed. Wow! Item!?

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