18 - Reconciliation

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"Today's topic for CCP will be Menu" our new teacher for Catering and Craft Practices announced when she'd settled down in the class. To say the teacher was more than boring would be an understatement of the year, no body listened in her class, we all were focused on copying the notes dictated and zone out the minute she started explaining. The boys, being stupid goats, focused on the notes and her fat ass. Whenever she'd have to write on the lowest part of the board, instead of squatting like a lady, she'd shoot her ass out as if she was interested in the doggy style. She wasn't old, and so her ass was still desirable, a bit though cause she sure didn't dress like a lady, especially for a lady that wasn't married, she looked super older than her age.

Today's class as usual was so boring that some of us started dozing off. She hit the dead point when she tried to make a joke and Brian unconciously Shouted "OBJ, O Boring Jooh" and the class burst into laughter.

"What did you say?" She asked him.
"Me? I didn't say anything ma" he answered
"You know why you can't lie? One you're the only one with a think baritone voice in this class and two "O Boring Jooh, was heard loud and clear" she said, she was starting to get angry and we all shut up.

"In this row, am I lying?" She asked us, in my row, we were just four, Brian and his seat partner Osas', I and Valentine, the new girl from grade 9. When she asked us if she was lying, we didn't reply and well that got her more pissed.

"Stand up all of you" referring to the four of us, "raise your hands and close your eyes" she exclaimed and walked out of the class. Soon she came back with a thin, long cane I hate canes, Oh God!!! No matter how I hated canes, our class's bro code was still to be followed and well even after the four strokes of cane none of us were willing to talk. The row close to us too were called and none of them spoke either, she figured flogging us won't make us talk, so she asked all of us to raise our hands and close our eyes as she went outside.

"See, me I will talk oh! I can't be suffering for someone else oh!" Valentine spoke up, making all heads turn to her. "Are you mad?!" Someone asked and that's how the noise started, some nerdy idiots agreed with her too and well majority of the class didn't, cause no matter how bossy and annoying Brian was, the class... Scratch that, the whole school would be boring Without him.

"If at any stage you have to tell the truth, tell her he said it but it wasn't directed at her, it was just coincidental"

Soon the teacher came back, with her dirty, faded black skirt and her shoes which looked like she had been wearing those since her secondary school days.

"Four of you, follow me!" She commanded and we did. She led us to the principal's office, that's how fear began to set in. God I don't want issues with the principal, that man's merciless!!
"The principal will see you now" his secretary announced. We all went in and I noticed Valentine's determined look but it will be her word against ours so she better be wise.

"So you all will go back outside and I call you in one by one, you better tell me the truth or you'll be dealt with." He said and motioned for us to go out of his office, except Brian.

I don't think his records as a trouble maker would pull him out of this one, and I don't want a record of me too, I didn't even know what to do anymore, I was already contemplating on telling the truth too. So funny how a boring joke from a teacher landed us in the principal's office. Before leaving the class, Nessa had already threatened anybody who told the truth, I and Valentine however did not speak to each other in the principal's office, the look on her face was confused at first but then she was already determined to tell the truth,I and the other hand was already thinking of telling the truth too, Osas, however wouldn't tell the truth.

Soon Brian came out of the office, looking bold, I knew deep down he was scared as hell, but his "big boy" facade won't let him show it. Osas went in and not long after too came out boldly. I wasn't ready to go in so Valentine went in. She came out looking confused however but before I could ask what happened, I was called in.

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