8 - Hi, I'm popular 1&2

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I'm Back Babiessssssssss💖 so sorry it took so long.. but I'm back nowww.. thanks for sticking with me.. I love youuuu!!!

As a welcome back to wattpad, this chapter might be a teeny weeny bit long 😁💖


Since it was rare for schools, especially this one, to take in students in jss3 and it being a not so big school, I became popular as the new girl with a big bust and right now I have a few enemies, not few actually, but don't let me scare you.

"Look at how short her uniform is" I heard some girls say as I and Beatrice passed their side. Truthfully, my uniform was pretty short, but my long socks made up for it. I couldn't be challenged anymore cause the last time I was, i told them to take it up with the school principal, he gave me the uniform anyway.

Brian, the fair pink lipped boy and I had become pretty close. People thought we were a couple though, actually I don't know what we are, he holds my hands, hugs me, treats me like his, but we've never gone further than those things. As for Nessa, well i love that girl mehn! She already made it clear that she doesn't like me. Funny, right? Well that's just how she is, she doesn't hide her feelings and she doesn't give a care if you don't like it. We still talk though, leave school together along with the other girls, we roll together, but we just do those things to tolerate each other, or better still to tolerate me, i have no issues with her.

Brian and I talked more often, went to places more often (not on dates though, well dates inside the school compound and it was at the school's vendor), being in JSS3 gave us free periods a lot and we usually arranged our chairs to make them look like beds so we could sleep, times like that Brian would either be my pillow or my cuddle partner. Soon our evening and Saturday lessons started, sometimes our teachers would come and sometimes they wouldn't, on days when they didn't, Brian and I would go sit alone in the other arm of JSS3, watching the activities outside school, since it was a balcony that was outside the class.

On one of those Saturdays when the teacher didn't come to class but gave us a class work Nessa decided to burst. That Day, Nessa couldn't take seeing Brian and I together so she spoke up. "Keisha!" She called out and invited me into a Jss2 class that was beside our class "Brian is my boyfriend! Just so you didn't know! He asked me out before you did! And he'll always be mine! Besides don't get any ideas in your head! He can never love you the way he loves me or Loveth!" She barked and turned to storm off but I stopped her. "Firstly, Brian is nobody's property and two, who's Loveth?" I asked her calmly, only for her to burst into laughter.

"Ohh I thought you two were close! Yet he didn't tell you about Loveth?" She asked and I just shrugged, waiting for her to end her laughing feast and answer me. "Well Loveth was the only girl Brian loved! The only girl Brian cried for! The only girl Brian promised to never forget about! The only girl....." I had to stop her before she could go further. "Chill, where is she now?" I asked, my heartbreaking into pieces with every word about this Loveth girl. "She stays on this street, she left our school last term after breaking up with Brian and asking me to take over for her!" Nessa answered coldly and I just couldn't say a word, my heart had been broken into pieces! I was Angry and Sad! So I took out my anger on Nessa.

"Whatever I and Brian do isn't your business, Brian isn't your property, Brian wouldn't even date you, ass or no ass! Brian said he loves me, and I will believe him!" I barked at her, her expression changed and I could sense trouble. She used my hair to drag me out of the class to, leading us to the balcony. Hearing my scream, everyone present that Saturday for the lesson rushed out to see what was happening. While dragging my hair, Nessa made a few scary phone call.

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