15 - First Performance

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/Flash Back To My First Performance In My New School\

The Graduating students for grade 12 were seated, watching the students display all sorts of performance to celebrate their Valedictorian Service. Mr Akinola, who had played a strong role in my life, music wise and educational wise, had told me to do a music performance with another friend who had just joined the Grade 10 session too. We grade 10 students were thrilled as well as scared of performing in front of the seniors but we did anyway.

".....emi naa ko oh olorun oba ma ni......" The second girl sang and she was sprayed money by the seniors, and even parents. Emmanuel had been invited to the valedictorian service too, as a guest artist as he had graduated a year before too, when I joined the school in grade 9, me moving to grade 9 moved him out of the school that year. Emmanuel was good with the talking drum and so he helped us play it, Mr Akinola played the keyboard, and we dressed in her Yoruba attire, sang our Yoruba songs, the second girl who was a very good friend was mine took the lead, she sang her song first and I thought I wouldn't even do as much as she did, I was a nervous wreak, but I was assured by Mr Akin that I'd be fine, and it was finally my turn to take the microphone.

I started my song slowly at first,with Emmanuel putting some hits In for me, the seniors were beginning to groan as they were already tired of traditional praise songs for God.

".....ojo mo tiin rosa koma ya, ojo mo tiin rorun ko wolule ise eledumare ni, ise oluwa oh, kolebaje oh...." I sang calmly and then slowly increased the progression of the song, making it not fast and not slow either but the tempo was enough for a dance, a real traditional dance where they would be able to shake their God given assets (ass, lol), soon the groaning students began to stand up to dance, I was getting excited, soon I wasn't the only one on the dance floor as everybody under the canopy came out to dance, parents included, Emmanuel, giving me so many nice hits on his talking drum. Soon my friends joined me, and the whole school was moved, everyone sang along happily and soon my wrapper was filled with money as they kept dropping their contributions into my wrapper, some perverted seniors even went as far as putting it in my blouse, thank God they were females and well a few male students did the same but it wasn't that perverted, they seemed to realise they were outside and wouldn't want to make a fool of themselves, a teacher moved closer to me, to help me pack the money to avoid them stripping me of my wrapper. At the end of the song, I went on a high octave, an octave I've never tried before and the applaud that followed was mind blowing, I was high in the clouds, as I kept grinning from ear to ear, as the seniors hugged me round by round thanking me for making their graduation one of the best.

Later we calculated the money we had made, the other girl made a sum of #500 and I made a sum of #3900!!! Which was overwhelming, Mr Akin was Happy For me, he didn't even request for any thing from the money, but the glutton teacher who had helped me pack the money made it mandatory I give her something cause apparently she has done something no man has done before, I decided to get her a cold soft drink and bought a big five alive drink for Mr Akinola to say Thank You For Coaching Me.


Keisha: Mr Akin I Love Youuuuuuu!!!!!!
Author: Get Outta Here Already
Keisha: But I have to let the world know I love him!!!!! Thank you for Being The Best Teacher In The Whole Wide World!!!!!
Author: Okay I'm Done, Have fun readers! I Love Y'all ❤️ drops pen and exits

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