Inter House Sport - 10

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We Got Our Houses And I Ended Up Being In Blue House.

Temi and I were in the same house, and Senior Dupe was our head cheerleader. And It wasn't an easy ride, lol.

"So First of all, Temi, Oyin, Keisha, move to this side" she said and we moved to away from the line of other girls. Snr. Dupe did a split move and motioned for us to try to. Oh god oh god!! How the hell does she expect me to spread my thighs that wide!??? I panicked but masked it up and tried the split. Well if she was able to do it, I made a mental note to myself that I could too and so dedicated my self to it. My first try was..... Well funny but better than the rest, and so she took it upon herself to train me, and that's how I became her school daughter, soon I was able to do the split well enough.

My split and well being Senior Dupe's School daughter made me more noticed in the school, this time not only by my class mates and a few juniors but also the seniors, the male seniors especially.

Nathan, a senior in Dupe's class, well he caught my attention, I mean, who wouldn't be a sucker for dancers!??? He was an excellent dancer,and I meant excellent! Even Brian's couldn't match his dance skills. Yeah he was that good!! He was fair skinned and fine too, well I had a thing for fair skinned guys too.

"Dance with me" he told me one day after rehearsals, and well it felt like I was compelled to say yes. Since then, I spent every day with him after rehearsals. I didn't even mind the scrutinizing gazes of my classmates, at that moment, all that mattered was him and well I think I was foolish to think it will last a long time, but then a part of me wished it won't too, cause as fine as he was, he had this terrible mouth odor, and well I thought I could forget about Seni, but it was all a sham. He was unforgettable, even when he hurt me, I mean who doesn't want to get committed to just one girl!!!?? But for that period I tried to focus on Nathan.

The InterHouse Sport Passed, with all the match past, the football, the short put, all other games and well Blue House came first! We were more than thrilled that our house came first. People said it was rigged but then when all scores were calculated and all, it was agreed by almost everyone that we deserved that trophy.

We had a small party in school before the school authority thought it's best we leave before night fall. Seni tried to get me back. I and Nicole were invited to his house, but just Nicole went, I couldn't bear the thought of seeing him, when I was just a pass time for him.

Soon exams were fast approaching and well, Nathan's WAEC and NECO exams started, making him too busy for me, and when he was done, he just disappeared, no goodbye or anything and well it didn't bother me either. I just forgot him like a phase. I tried to focus on other things.

Nathan's Phase Ended!!!
Yeah This Chapter Needs Editing, I Know

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