16 - CAMP

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During the Grade 11 summer lesson, I was finally allowed to go for the youth camp program that held yearly and to say I was excited would be an understatement.

I went with my sisters from church for the three days camp program expecting it to be all Rosy and fun. The first day of the camp,a Thursday wasn't all that fun neither was it boring, I spent the vigil with my sisters, and well we danced together, sang together, felt the spirit together. It was spirit filled and Interesting.

Friday, well it was another story entirely, we had to start sitting according to our houses, I was in Ezekiel's house, My other sisters had their houses far from mine, finally I found someone to exchange with and I got a house closer to one of my sisters (my favorite sister, Dara), I was feeling rather dull during the morning service which held from 9am till 2pm and then the Bible study from 3pm till 5pm.

During the 9pm service, I was being disturbed by two boys behind me, at first I thought to ignore them, but then I couldn't, looking back to caution them, I beheld the most beautiful dimple I'd ever seen, the dimple was perfectly carved on an equally handsome face, they were dancing to the song, oblivious to the fact that they were disturbing. Dimple face caught sight of me and gave a smile as if to apologise for the second guy. I smiled back, and that was how we became friends, we sat with each other, not minding other people, but thinking of just us two, we were in a different world entirely.

The resting period before the start of the vigil was spent with him, I totally forgot about my sister, except when I was hungry. I and Christian, the dimpled faced boy, sat together watching the way other girls dressed, watching so many things happening on the camp ground. I don't even understand how we clicked so fast but we did, and we did perfectly click too.

We spent the three days together, we were so caught up in the moment that we didn't even remember to exchange numbers too, thank God for Facebook. Saying Good bye to Christian was the hardest thing ever, I felt like the stuffs between was an happily ever after, but I figured it was only for the three days of camp, or so I thought.

The next week, I got a call on my phone from an unknown number, he faked being someone else but his voice gave him away.

"You know I'm really flattered that you remember what my voice sounds like" he said when I told him to quit playing. We spoke for so long, with my sister listening in on us, she didn't believe when I had told her we were nothing but friends. I think the call placed more doubts in her mind too as we talked like long lost lovers, that was untill he was like "give me girl na" and I laughed, "why are you being so stingy!? Give me girl, your sister anybody, just give me one girl I can just be calling girlfriend" he said jokingly but my sister took it serious kind of "if I slap you, see this small boy oh" she said and we all laughed, her included. We became very close, gave a friend of mine his number, and they talked and talked for hours, I was beginning to feel like a third wheel, like I was being replaced but I had it all perfectly masked away and soon they tore apart, we all did, probably because of her insecurities or because I and Christain couldn't figure out what we felt for each other as we constantly used the three words couples used with each other every time, I Love You.

Guyssss!!! So Happy To Be Back Again!!!!!😁
So who knows how many guys Keisha's Been With?
This girl sef ehnn!!

Quick Question:
1. Who did she really like amongst all the guys she's been with?
2. Do you think she loves Seni or she was obsessed with his cool character and well his honesty?
3. Do you think she'll end up being with Christian?
4. Is this the start of a love story?

Please answer... Iloveyouguyssofuckingmuch!!!!!!!!!!!!💖💖

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