5 She has gotten you too

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I now had more friends and well enemies in school. As for "D Bitches" as they often called themselves, they came around, but they were friendly, just that they were like the most popular, beautiful, smart and sexiest girls in school, yeah it wasn't just the 8th graders, but up to the 12th grade(ss3), oh yeah, they had male versions "D Dogs"

Did I say there were fine guys in my class?

Oh pardon me! This school is filled with handsome faces!! Damn!

"Are they dating?" I pointed at a girl and a boy who had their fingers crossed together.

"Yeah, they are" Taiwo answered and I laughed.


"What's so funny?" she asked and I finally stopped laughing.

"That motherf*cker asked me out!" I said and Taiwo couldn't believe me.

"Please don't say this out there, it'll kill her" she pleaded, pointing to the girl in the guy's arm and I dramatically zipped my mouth and threw the invisible key away.

"She's just so in love with him and yet he keeps cheating on her, you will be the 20th I've heard, me included." Taiwo explained and my eyes widened.

A group of boys, I'd made friends with suddenly showed up in front of us and we exchanged pleasantries with one of them kissing my palm.

"I need to continue now" I said, releasing my hands from his tight grip.

During lunch Break

Everyone had gone for break, leaving me and some boys in the class, but soon they began to reduce.

"She's just so ugly!" I heard a voice say at the other end of the class, but I chose to ignore it, it's not my business anyway, I'm just slightly surprised that boys do gossip too.

"Urghh, with her short skirts and tight shirts, attention seeker!" another voice said and I smiled inwardly. I decided to take a sneak peek at the gossipers. Lo and behold there sat the two ugliest boys in my class, with one looking like a yellow monkey, and the other looking like bread that was thrown in water.

Then the thought of their gossip being about me crossed my mind, but I just brushed it aside. That fat fool better not talk about me!

They both ate their lunch noisily and it irritated me. At last I finished the note I was copying, and set out to go for lunch, but immediately I stood up, the bell for break over rang.

Even though we had a free period next, I just couldn't go out there to get something for myself, it was against the school's rules. Soon students started coming in, but I just sat on my seat with my head bending over the desk.

"Hey, I noticed you didn't go for lunch, so I bought you this" A voice said and I looked up to see Eric.

Ughh! You again?!!

"You didn't have to" I said in an attempt to reject the food but my stomach grumbled. Betrayer! He laughed at me before dropping the take away pack on my table with a fork.

Indomie!! Yayyy!!

"You're hungry, that's all that matters." he said and sat on Zainab's seat. "Now eat!" he ordered and I just rolled my eyes at him with a smiled displayed on my lips.

I dug into the spicy indomie, and drank the Pepsi he had bought with it. I was almost done when the two gossipers finally spoke up.

"Eric! Wait! You went to buy food for her?" the fair one asked, but Eric ignored him.

"Chai! She has finally gotten you too! She has finally rubbed her pants on your head too, Abi is it bra? Since it's breast she has in abundance" the fat one said and I tried my possible best to just ignore them and continue with my food.

"Attention seeker oshi" the fat one said and I smiled inwardly. Eric probably noticed how much I was loosing my cool, cause he touched my hand, and funny enough, it kept me cool.

"Just don't mind them." he said and looked into my eyes with assurance.

"Yeah thanks" I said covering the pack I had just eaten from. Those two can't make me loose my appetite. God first Food next

"Let's go to my class, we also have a free period" Eric said and I nodded.

We stood up and was about to walk out of my class when they spoke up again.

"Eric, don't let her get you Ohh.. She'll put your hands in between her thighs and your head on her breast! And then you're a gunner oh!!" The fat one said and I laughed out! I just couldn't hold it anymore.

Look who's talking oh!!

Throwback to three days ago

"Hi, I'm Osaru" a fat boy, fine enough boy said.

"I'm Keisha" I answered and faced the notes I was copying from the board.

We were having Islamic Religious Knowledge and Christian Religious Knowledge, both Zainab, Aisha and Rauf had left to Jss2 Silver for their IRK class.

Osaru sat beside me throughout the class, and when the class was over, he went to his seat, only for him to come back to Zainab's seat.

"I like you" he said and I smiled muttering a simple thanks, cause I was still busy with the notes on the board. Having a bad eyesight and still sitting at the back of the class wasn't helping. I paid zero attention to the guy beside me cause I was trying to finish the notes before the next teacher would come in.

Suddenly I felt hands on my thigh, at first I thought it was a joke, so I smiled and gently removed his hands from my thigh. He sent back a smile too and just faced the pink lipped boy from my first day in school.

I paid them no attention again, and I continued my notes. His loud laughter was getting on my nerves and I began to wonder what was keeping Zainab since, until I checked the time and saw that it was short break. I brought out the snacks I bought from home and placed them on the table. I was still battling with my caprisone, when I felt hands caressing my thighs again!

This time around, I frowned! For a minute, he got scared but he just smiled and kept going upwards!

I took my Biro from my locker and stabbed him, gentle enough that he would have a visible wound showing and since then! The enmity between us started.

Back to present

"Let's just go" Eric said and I followed him to his class, still laughing at the memory.

I still don't know how it happened but then, I and Eric became very close.

He taught me how to do so many things. Also, I was able to convince my parents that I could go to and from school on my own.

He would always go with me to Ojuelegba and then helped me cross the roads before going his own way.

Rauf and I became close too, and after everything, I ended up dating none of them, till I got tired of the school again and daddy changed my school again.

I have absolutely no idea how chapter 5 got here (after chapter 2) but if it's not like that there with you.. Then it's good

So!! What do you think?

Who's your favorite character in this chapter??

Mine is Eric! Isn't he charming?? 😁😁

Eric : Yo, thanks
Me : oh you're always welcome 😉😊

Okayyyyy lovelies! Don't forget to vote and comment please!! 🌹

I love you all!!

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