2 First Baby Love

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Throwback to when I was 8

"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the son of God and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us, now and forever more!"

"Amen! " the church chorused.

We had just finished the Juvenile anniversary of my church and my mum's friend had organized a small party at her house for the celebration of the anniversary, being the chairperson of the Anniversary's planning committee. She had invited her family over, her sisters and brothers and their children also.

"Aunty Dara, wait for me, I'm coming with you" I told my mum's friend's daughter who was taken as my elder sister since she was 3 years older than me and she was the closest thing I had as a sister.

"Really?! Will you sleep over?" she asked and I wasn't sure. "I don't know" I replied.

"No problem, I'll talk to your mummy, besides my cousins, Daniel and Josh are around, we'll all play together before they leave"

"Okay" I answered and we strode to the car.
"Have you all eaten?" Mommy Dara asked and we all nodded.

It was fun having this two boys here, well Daniel was more reserved than Josh, they were both reserved though but Josh was a bit free.

"Let's play mummy and daddy" Dara suggested and we all agreed.

"So, Keisha, you will play wife, Daniel, you'll play pastor, Josh, you will play husband, and I will be Keisha's mummy" she explained and we all agreed.

"Oya" Josh said and we started.

I was wearing an Iro and Buba(a Yoruba attire of a blouse and a wrapper) lace my mummy had sowed newly for me. Dara removed my wrapper and covered my face with it the way Yoruba wives did and they sang as I danced to where my supposed groom stood with Daniel standing in front of him.

"You may Kiss the bride" Daniel said and Josh removed my wrapper from my head and dropped it on Dara's bed, before pecking me on the cheek. We hugged for a while symbolizing the 'Wedding Night'.

"You are now my husband! You can't cheat on me!" I told him and he smiled.

"You are now my wife! You can't cheat on me!" he repeated and I smiled as he put a piece of cake in my mouth.

"Josh, Daniel!! It's time to go" someone shouted from the parlor where everyone sat and enjoyed the party.

Josh said his goodbyes but Daniel didn't for even a second look at me, talk less of saying Goodbye but I just brushed It off, not knowing that I was in a war.

Short chapter?

Yes I know!
I'm so sorry

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