21 - Elections

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"This year, we won't be chosing prefects cause, you all are just not IT, it's so hard to choose who would be prefects, so this time we'll be giving the school students the opportunity to choose who they want" the principal announced to us.

It was October already, a month after resumption and we still didn't have prefects for the school.

"You'll be campaigning, you'll have your manifestoes and there'll be an election, to register meet Mr Peter, your government teacher. Good luck students" he said and left.

"Beatrice, Head Girl, Nick asst Head Girl, Walter, sports prefects, Danny, Head Boy, Edward Asst head boy, Kiki, food prefects....." I kept predicting, not including my name. Fuck their prefectship!.......right?

After a week of registration, my arts teacher made me register and go for the post of head girl, infact the man registered himself.

When I told you Toni was the perfect boyfriend, you probably thought I was joking. He did everything in his power to make sure I win. In all honesty, I wasn't sure I wanted to win cause I was running against Beatrice, one of the very few loyal friends I had, but then I couldn't stop my voters from voting for me. Toni had a lot of influence in the school, coupled up with the other guys in my class who voted for me because of him.

I had become extremely popular because of him, now everyone knew who I was, including the new students. I still wasn't sure I wanted to win.

On the day of the manifestoes, I was overwhelmed with happiness, my name and picture was on so many posters, they were everywhere. My arts teacher had helped with the art work. My manifestoes was almost the same with Beatrice and being that I said mine after her, made it look like I copied from her. I was so hurt when my loyal friend began to hate me. She stopped talking to me and I was left alone with the guys. The cheers from the crowd was more than hers and I was sure there and then that I'd win. Her posters were been torn away by my fans even when I knew nothing about it, but yet she wouldn't believe me that I was oblivious to this issue.

Soon the day of the election came and voting was done, I knew I'd won even without seeing the results, and I was sure she was holding on to that little string of hope that she'd win, I was holding on to that same string that she'd win and rid me of this responsibility.

Even some of the teachers had turned to my side, they'd said I was bold and brilliant, while she was brilliant. They'd said that needed the brilliance too but the boldness mattered the most.
After the elections, I'd emerged as the head girl and Beatrice my assistant.

I was happy though but then she began to cry, I had hoped she'd be happy for me too, cause I'd have been happy for her but then not every one can be considerate.

Hell! I was ready to give the position to her, but then I couldn't, wasn't even allowed to speak to her.

I got home and shared the news with my family who rejoiced with me, but deep down, I knew I didn't deserve it, I didn't even want it, I didn't have enough facilities to hold that position, I was small bodied, not as brilliant as Beatrice, I wasn't even in the right frame of mind. If only I was still leaving my princess life, then I'd have loved that position but now.. I just didn't want it but I had no choice now did I?



Keisha: don't flatter me, it's not like I did well
Author: but you won anyway didn't you?!
Keisha: All Thanks To My Boyfriend Besides I don't think it's all about winning.
Author: that one is your problem oh! You Sha won.....abi readers?!

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