12 - Trouble In Paradise

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"You'll be living with Emmanuel and his family now" my daddy announced.

"But why? What's wrong with this house??" I asked "We'll be moving" he simply answered. I didn't argue with my parents but I made sure to find out why we were moving.

"Keisha, when any one asks if you know me, you have to lie, you have to tell them you don't know me, you've never heard of me, your real father is not in Lagos, I am not your father" daddy announced, though I had so many questions to ask but I just couldn't, I couldn't answer either, I just nodded and walked away. "You have to successful Keisha, this whole thing shouldn't affect your education, you have to come out in flying colors, you have to make yourself proud, just remember Daddy loves you, okay?" He said again and I just didn't know what to say to that either. "Remember, if you don't lie for our sakes, daddy might go to jail, and you don't want that, do you?" He asked and I shook my head No.

One day I was just in my now almost empty parlor watching Married Again On Zee world, trying to not to think of the tragedies happening in my family, when I heard mum and dad arguing.

"Kilode! Bawo lo se see?" My mum asked. "What Happened? How did you do it?"

"I don't know either! I just don't know how 4million vanished from the office!? Right under my nose! I don't even know if this is some kind of set up! I can't remember anything!! Now They think I took it! And I have nothing to prove my innocence, I don't even have that much in my account!" My daddy lamented. Yeeee!!!

"Ah! You this man! How come you don't save too!!!? Why won't you save??" My mum said on the verge of tears. I watched as every word emphasized how this my world was being torn apart. Now I had to really leave my family! I still didn't believe or better still know how hard this whole thing was until two different occasions. First was when my mum and I were in the shop, my mum's shop was right in front of the house, my dad had built that shop for my mum to just pass time, not as a major profession, she sold things bought by small kids, and well soft drinks too, everyone knew my mum cause of the cold drinks, also because of my grandma, who always nagged at customers whenever she was opportuned to sit at our shop, also by my grandpa who never sat in one place but go from house to house with his walking stick, preaching the gospel and well talking about things too, and lastly by her Fine husband, my daddy was a fine man. Mom and I sat in shop that day as usual and this man came, bought a sausage roll and cold drink, he asked for Mr Williams, my father and my mum outrightly denied him, said he wasn't living here, and that she didn't know him either.

"But this is number 1" the man asked and making her feel like all her lies were crashing back on her, but she didn't give up.
"Yes, actually I don't know the people living here much, I rented this shop from them, that's all, maybe you should go in, but then nobody is always around during this time, so maybe you should come back later" she told him smoothly and well the man bought it. I sat there looking like a statue.
Second instance was the day we finally left that house, on our way, my dad was going to drop me in school first, before taking my things to Emmanuel's family. A police car had driven past us and daddy quickly rolled the glass of the car up, making it hard for them to see the occupants o the car. They drove to the front of our house and went in, daddy allowed them to enter the house before speeding off, in case someone showed them the way to us. That day I masked my feelings and well when I got to school I couldn't hold it anymore, I burst into tears before the assembly could start. Beatrice gave some excuse to the seniors about me being super sick and well the tears I cried had made me kinda sick cause my temperature was already rising. Till date Beatrice remains the only one who knows what happened to my daddy's work, and well she even offered me a room in her house when I told her how I wouldn't want to live with my pastor.

That year was a sad one, my parents spent their last savings building our house in Ikorodu and also trying to pay off some of the debts from Dad's work. Soon my grades started dropping too, I moved from the 3rd position to the seventh, at first my teachers thought I was becoming to playful, then they started seeing me with Seni and they just concluded that he had gotten to my head, I got tired of defending my self and just let them think what they wanted to.

Life Can Be Very Sad A Lot Of Times! I Can't Even Phantom What I'd Do If I Were In Keisha's Shoes😪
A Princess With Trouble In Her Paradise.

I Love Y'all 💖💯

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