19 - The Big Fight

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I don't know what I did to any of my female classmates, even the few friends I had hated me but acted like they liked me.

It was Art Week, all the students in Art Class Came together to celebrate the week with different activities, pageantry, dance, different display of talents.

Temi, Rita, Tinu and I and two other girls from Commercial class had planned to do a dance. I wasn't much of a dancer, I was more of a singer but I wanted to do this, they didn't, but they let me anyway.

During one of our rehearsals in the computer lab, Temi suddenly up a convo about dancing to new sets of songs! This was our last rehearsal for God's sake!!!

"We're dancing to Sorry by Justin Beiber and Love is wicked by Cynthia Morgan" she suddenly announced.

"How about the steps and the songs we were rehearsing before?" I asked but it was like it pissed Tinu off, she was acting rather strange lately, getting pissed at me for almost everything.

"That's simple, you guys will just add a new step for 'Sorry' and then your old steps for 'Love is wicked'" our English teacher announced, she was one of those cool teachers we had, though her closeness and exposed way of dressing made people think she was out to get our male teachers, being close to majority of them and being on the principal's good side too, didn't help the rumors go down.

We tried dancing them and I just couldn't get it, we were presenting in Friday, today being Wednesday and yet we're changing steps! Who does that?

"See how this one is doing??! If you can't get simple dance steps then you better walk out!" Tinu said angrily.

"Haba! Why are you shouting na, is it fast fast you'll learn something?" I said calmly.

"Shut up! Ode! Be doing like snail!" She said causing us to stop and everybody including the few teachers that were there to focus on me.

"Chill Tinu" Rita calmed her down before facing the rest of us. "Who else thinks this dance steps are too complicated?" She asked us and I raised my hand, alongside one of the girls from Commercial class.

"Then you both can just walk away from here, it's not like you're helping sef, you're just making this place crowdy" Tinu stated. I was hurt and tempted to walk away, but I won't let her get to me.

"I'm not saying the dance steps are hard, I'm just saying, we can't learn this before Friday, especially if this is our last rehearsal" I said.

"Like I said! Walk away!!" Tinu shouted again, drawing more attention.

"Chill ah!" Temi shouted.
"See if Keisha won't leave then I'll leave" Tinu later announced. Damn that hit me bad! I began to wonder what I'd done to the girl, she'd always given me fake vibes and I knew it, I'm just so surprised she's showing it now, not just to me, but to everyone.

"I thought you two were close, isn't she your twin sister?" The ICT teacher asked sir I thought so too oh!

"Ehn?! Who!! This one!? God Forbid! Twin sister koh, I hate her with passion" Tinu answered looking at me with disgust. Tinu's sense of humor was more than mine, Tinu had her way with teachers more than me, Tinu moved more with the cool crew or better still the Savage crew .ore than I did, so she had the upper hand here, but I still wouldn't back down.

"What did I do to you?" I asked, packing my bags.

"Nothing oh, I just hate you, so pack up fast and leave!" She shouted and that made me nchange my mind about leaving.
"Who told you i was leaving?" I asked again.

"If you won't leave, then I will" she said and began to pack her bags.

"Ehhhh!! Wait first, nobody is leaving, Keisha will dance and so will you Tinu!" The English teacher stopped her.

"Ah ma, Tinu is stubborn oh, it's better Keisha leave" Temi spoke up and was seconded by Rita. Wow!! Who threw a dagger in my chest!?

I packed my bags and left the computer lab, but In time to hear the teacher send all of them out of the lab.

"See! You see what you've done? They've sent all of us out! You're happy abi?" Tinu shouted at me, making me stop in my tracks but I kept walking again.

"That's the only thing you know how to do! Shake yansh and do rubbish, as if she even has the yansh sef! She just carry boobs in front! Don't worry by next year, your breast will be so big that they'll see it before you" she said and they all laughed. See pot calling kettle black!
"Ehn!? Who are you calling Pot and kettle?" She suddenly asked, stepping in front of me.

"You! What will you do?" I asked.
"Ehnn!! See this small girl ohh, I will beat you oh!! I'll deal with you mercilessly, when you go home sef they'll not recognize you again" she said. Tears were threatening to spill, not because of her threat but because I had lost a friend! I was short of those already, I was alone! No body had my back the way they had hers, so I just walked away.

"Aww, she's scared" Tinu said again and I was tempted to hit her but i controlled my self. With every insult, my classmates laughed at me. I couldn't take the Insults anymore, and so I had a perfect, well not perfect but I had a comeback for her every word. I was beginning to wish I had just shut up.

For a whole term, she ignored me and well I didn't make an effort to talk to her.


Twinnies Are Fighting!!!

What to do!!😯

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