Part 1

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After a long night of preparing for the interview that could change your life, it was finally time. Everything you've worked for came down to this one interview, this was your one shot and it would either make or break your life. Right before you step out of the house you look at yourself in the mirror and take a few deep breaths and adjust your hair. You leave your one-person apartment wearing a black pencil skirt and a white blouse with a small black bag big enough to fit your phone, keys and money in. Then you walk to the bus stop and wait for the bus to come, once it comes you stick your hand out to tell the driver to stop and he does. You step onto the bus and almost trip because of the heals you're wearing; they're small but you're not used to wearing them. You take a seat on the mucky, smelly bus and start going over what you're going to say,

"I'm y/n y/l/n, I'm 21 and I've worked my whole life for this interview, I've studied at London School of Arts and got a degree in drama, this is what I want to do and I promise that if you let me work here, you wont regret it. I wont let you down" uhh skills skills skills what are my skills... "I'm good at writing, I've been good at it my whole life." hobbies um... "I can draw?" What if they ask to know something different about me, what do I say uhhh um... "I write poetry a lot and I think I'm good at it." Yeah I'll say that. Okay calm y/n be calm.

You look up and this is your stop, the doors are about to close so you make a run for it and run off the bus, tripping on the step down and you fall and scrape your knee. Shit. My tights. There's a huge hole in your tights and you try pull your skirt down to hide it but it doesn't reach unless you bend over a little. You run in and get to the reception.

"Hi I'm y/n and I have a meeting with Mrs Adley at 11:00." The woman looks at me with raised eyebrows.

"Mrs Adley is sick, your interview will be with Mr Holland, the owner of the company. Good luck." She says with a smirk as if to say you're hopeless. She hands you a piece of paper with the room number on and you leave trying to find this room. You're rushing around this huge building finding room 206 when you bump into a man in a suit, everyone's in suits. Flustered, you quickly ramble whilst looking down,

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't see you, I'm trying to find room 206, I have an interview with Mr Holland?" You look up at this man and he has no expression on his face, then you look around and see people look away when you look, you feel your heart racing when you realise. You look back at the man and take a deep breath, "You're Mr Holland, aren't you?" He nods then looks at his watch.

"You're late, I'd usually turn people away at this time, but I'll make an exception this one time. Follow me." And without even looking at you he begins walking off, you scurry behind him in you heals like a mouse. You both reach his office and he holds the glass door open for you. You stand there for a few moments until he gestures for you to sit down on a chair by a desk as he walks around to the other side of the desk and sits down, his suit creasing as he sits, he runs his hands through his hair and looks you dead in the eye.

"So you want a job here..." he begins to speak as he starts tapping his pen on the desk,
"Um, yes. Mr Holland, that's what I want. I'm y/n y/l/n, I'm 21 and I've worked my whole life for this interview, I've studied at-"
"None of that." He pauses. Your heart beating almost out of your chest. "What do you do." He asks.
"I write." He nods, not breaking eye contact, still tapping the pen,
"y/l/n, I haven't heard that surname before, what does the rest of your family do." His questions sound more like commands. My family. Shit.
"Uh they don't do much. I don't live with them, I'm focusing on myself." He nods again, the pen tapping more vigorously than before. Suddenly he smacks the pen on the desk and it makes a loud noise. You jump in your seat.
"You've got a week to prove to me why you deserve this job. Don't blow it. You can leave." You nod,
"Thank you Mr Holland." You say as you stand up from your seat
"And get some new tights." You nod and make your way to the door and open it. You walk through the door and turn around to see Mr Holland still looking at you, and he's not embarrassed about it. Still no expression in his face though. You turn back around and walk off.

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