Part 18

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All three of you sit there not knowing what to say, it wasn't tense but it was different, it felt like you were all waiting for something but you didn't know what.
You get up and go to the kitchen to get a drink, Harrison comes in shortly after. You both look at each other, it's strange because you were once so close to this person but 5 years later it feels like you're two strangers with a past.
"How have you been?" He asks as you fill your glass with water,
"As good as it can get really." You say, taking a sip of your water, "what about you?" He looks down.
"Not the best." He pauses, "Are you and Tom a thing?" He asks,
"Not exactly." He furrows his eyebrows in confusion, "I applied for a job at his company but I didn't get it, and he's been living here to hide from you." You look down as those words leave your lips, you begin to tear up.
"Y/n I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset, I had no idea you even knew Tom."'
"Well I do, and if you would've just let him explain, this thing between you and him could of ended months ago!" You raise your voice to hide your sadness with anger. His facial expression changes, revealing the sadness inside him.
"Y/n I'm sorry." The look in his eyes is too much, you give in and reach out to hug him. His embraces you, both of you needing your sibling back. It feels so different getting to physically hold him after such a long time. You break away from the hug.
"Do you want a drink?" You ask, smiling at the boy. He smiles back and nods implying he wants one, you pour you and him a drink and you stand in the kitchen as you start a conversation with Harrison.
"So how was your new family?" You start,
"They were okay, I left when I was 15 and lived around and about, it's only just recently I've found my own place. What about you? How was yours?"
"I left a year after I was adopted, I was 18 and could legally move out, I haven't spoke to them since but in all honesty, I don't miss them all that much." You two talk for ages, catching up on the past 5 years without each other whilst Tom was in the other room, helping himself to whisky and sipping at is as he smiled because the girl he loved had found her brother. He didn't want to interrupt you two because he knew you needed this, Harrison was the only person who's alive that you truly love. You love Tom too but the love for a brother is far different than the love for a significant other.

After about an hour and a half, you and Harrison go back inside to see Tom laying there asleep on the sofa. He looked so beautiful in that moment, his messy hair and his arms slightly crossed as he lays there in his suit he's been in all day.
"I should go." Harrison says.
"No, stay the night?" You ask him.
"Y/n I don't think Tom would appreciate that, I think it's still too soon for me to be staying the night with you two." You understand him completely.
"Okay." You simply say with a smile on your face.
You let Harrison out and exchange numbers so you have contact with one another and then you head back inside to see Tom still fast asleep on the sofa. You walk over to him and shake him slightly,
"Wake up sleepyhead." You whisper in his ear trying to wake him up gently. He moves around a little and then opens his eyes to look at you, not saying anything, "Come on, let's go upstairs." You grab his hand and drag him off the sofa, he sits up, still holding your hand and then he pulls you down so that you're sat sideways on his lap. He holds you so you don't fall and then you laugh at what just happened, his sleepy eyes watching you, making him smile. You stand up again and pull him off the sofa, "Come on Tom." You plead. He gives in and stands up, you both head upstairs.

You get changed and ready for bed, wearing some grey shorts and a white t-shirt. You return to your room to find Tom in your bed in nothing but shorts. You feel the butterflies in your stomach flutter as you walk over to the bed and sit next to him, legs crossed and hands on your legs. He's laying down and you look at him, he grabs your hand and pulls you down so you're on top of him. You smile at him and trace his abs with your fingers. You lean down at the man in front of you and kiss him softly. He moves his hands to your waist as you pull away from the kiss, a smile from ear to ear plastered on your face. He moves his hands up and down your waist and pulls you back down towards him. He kisses you and then without any warning flips you over so he's on top. He kisses you and his soft yet passionate kisses travel down to your neck, sending chills throughout your body. You pull away and look at him.
"Is something wrong?" He asks, concerned.
"I just don't want to have sex yet, Tom."
"We don't have to." He says and then kisses you again, you kiss him back and after a few minutes he lays next to you. You put your head on his bare chest and rest your arm on him,
cuddling him. He puts his arm around you and holds you close to him. "Y/n I'm so into you." You smile into his chest,
"Me too."

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