Part 5

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You're dressed and ready to leave, you check the time and decide nows a good time to set off. You grab your bag with your things and head to the venue in your car.

You arrive in around 15 minutes and are hesitant to get out. Should I get out? Am I too early? Should I wait here for a bit so I don't look stupid? Arghhhh. Your brain was taking over. You see someone else in a nice dress walk into the venue so you decide to go in. You take a deep breath as you step out of the car and lock the door. You start to head towards the big wooden doors as your shoes clank on the ground. You push the door and take a step inside and find the room you're supposed to be in.

You enter the room and see hundreds of people wearing suits and dresses, everyone so wonderfully dressed. And there you see him sat at the other end of the room at the bar, stood with his back facing you. You smile at his chocolate brown locks and his black suit perfectly placed on his body. He turns around with a glass of alcohol held to his mouth. Then he notices you, stood there already looking in his direction. He slowly lowers the glass from his lips and you make eye contact. It's like you're both in a trance, and falling deeper into it. Eyes locked on each other and only each other. Completely.
"Hey y/n!" You hear Sandra say from behind you and you turn around to face her.
"Hi, you look amazing!" You say. She compliments you back and you turn around to find Mr Holland, only he isn't there anymore. You get nervous.
"You look amazing too!" She says back to you, you smile and feel the nerves worsening. You two chat for a short while. You just want to be with someone you're comfortable around. You feel someone touch your shoulder as they walk around to face you. You already know who it is without seeing them. It's an instinct. Mr Holland.
"Hello y/n glad to see you here." He says with a small smile but still a serious look on his face as he takes a sip of his alcohol, whiskey I think.
"I'm glad to be here." You say and smile.
"You look..." He pauses, almost in shock, "Beautiful." He looks you up and down. You feel your cheeks flush with redness as you look down at your feet.
"Thank you, Mr Holland." You say avoiding eye contact.
"Can I buy you a drink?" He asks trying to gain the eye contact you keep avoiding, you give in and look him in the eye,
"Sure." You say as you take a deep breath. He places his hand on your lower back and guides you over to the bar. He pulls out a stool and you sit on it, he sits next to you and leans over to the bartender,
"Anything she wants please."
"*what you like*" you say and look back at Mr Holland who's already looking at you.
"How much do you want this job?" He asks.
"I really want it. It's what I've been aiming for since you started this business. When you started this I was choosing courses for uni and then when I heard, I knew this was what I wanted to do." He has a small smile on his face and he listens to you talk about what you love.
"You mentioned you write. What do you write about?"
"A lot of things, I write a diary but I write it as a story. So every night I'll sit at my desk and write my day as a story." He nods, in awe of you. Your drink comes and you put your hand around it, about to take a sip.
"What have you written about me?" He asks. You put the glass down again.
"That you're helping me get this job." You pause, "and that I'm grateful for you." You say, glancing over at him as you say those words. He doesn't say anything. You take a sip of your drink and then you turn to look at him.
"You'll get a job here." He smiles and nods as he says that, a smile grows on your face.
"Thank you Mr Holland." You tap your glass, nervousness. Mr Holland moves closer to you.
"Do you wanna go for a walk?" He asks you.
"Don't I need to talk to your employees so they know who I am?" You reply.
"They know who you are."
"They do?" You smile. Mr Holland nods. You both stand up and he places his hand on your lower back again and guides you towards the door.
You go into the car park and wonder around with Mr Holland, you two sit on a wall at the back of the car park.
"So Mr Holland, what will I be doing tomorrow?" You ask, he chuckles slightly,
"You here with me and asking me about work?" You smile hesitantly. "You really are beautiful y/n, and that dress, it's perfect." You smile and look away, "Why do you always look away when I compliment you?"
"I get nervous." You say with a weak smile.
"You don't have to be nervous with me." He says and looks you dead in the eye. You think that it's not just nerves, but because if you look too long, you won't have any self control anymore. And that's what happened. You find yourself wanting to kiss this man in front of you and can't find the will to stop. Your eyes focused on him and only him. You glance down at his lips and realise they're inches away,
neither of you stopping. Then you look away into the car park, Mr Holland looks down.
"I should go." You say as you grab your bag and stand up. Mr Holland doesn't say anything. "Goodnight Mr Holland." You say, hoping he'll say at least something. But he doesn't. He stays silent and that silence kills you. You walk to you car, your dress flowing behind you. Tears threatening to flow. You get into the car and look back to see Mr Holland still sat at the wall, playing with this hands and looking down. You take one last look and then you drive off.

A tear falls down your cheek. The first tear you've cried for Mr Holland.

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