Part 17

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"Harrison?" You look at him in confusion
"Y/n?" He questions. Your eyes fill with tears,
"Wait, that means..." you look at Tom who's
stood slightly behind Harrison. "Tom, you killed my parents?" You drop the gun.
Tears flood down your face as you realise the truth of this twisted story, Tom's facial expression changes from fear to shock.
"Y/n I- I don't understand?" He pants between his words, "y/n." You hardly listen to him because the thoughts inside your head are louder than those from his mouth. All the pain that's build up over the past 5 years is flooding out and you don't know what to do. Everything's too much to handle right now, your brother is here, but he wants to kill Tom because Tom killed his parents, and his parents are your parents,
"Y/n..." Harrison says to you as he walks closer, putting his hand out, you trace his hand up to his face with your eyes, not believing what you're seeing. Your vision blurred from the tears pouring down your face. You blink slowly as your heart races, trying to see clearly. You feel your eyes drooping and you fall to the floor. Darkness. The last thing you see is Tom and Harrison running towards you to catch you before you fall.

An emotion that once you're in it, it's unavoidable.
You're completely in love with him.
Your brother, you haven't seen him in 5 years.

Tom's stood at the end of a hallway, smiling at you. You look around you and you have no where else to go but to him. You begin walking, marching, towards him, just wanting him in your arms. You're walking but he's not getting any closer. You turn back around and see another figure at the other end of the hallway. It's Harrison. You feel yourself sinking into the ground, trying to get out but nothings working and you keep sinking. You look both ways and see them stood there, both waiting for you to get to them. They're so close yet so far. They just slip between your fingers as you're engulfed into the ground beneath you. Darkness is all you see. You open your eyes.

You open your eyes. You're on the floor with Harrison and Tom hovering over you making sure you're okay.
"Are you okay?" Their voices muffled as they help you sit up.
"Get her water!" Tom shouts and Harrison runs to the kitchen and returns with a glass of water that he hands to you and helps you drink. You gulp it and sit there on the floor.
"Harrison what are you doing?" You say with tears running down your face and an expression telling him you're disappointed.
"I don't know..." He sounds broken, his tears threatening to fall and you can see how hurt he is.
"Tom..." you don't know what to say to him.
"Y/n please don't say anything." He says. A tear falls down his cheek. "I am so so sorry. I had no idea. I just - I- " you put your hand on his cheek.
"Shhh." You smile as him. You look at Harrison again and can't help but hug him, he's so grown up since the last time you saw him, tears stream down your face and all three of you go to the living room and sit on the sofa. You think there's some talking and explaining that needs to be done.
You sit next to Tom on one sofa and Harrison sits on the single sofa next to you guys. You look at Tom, gesturing for him tell the story about the accident. He sighs and begins to tell the story. It takes him a long time to explain. He tells you both everything from that day, how he could've gone and taken Harrison to the beach instead, how he was driving home slightly tipsy, how he tried to save your parents. It was a complete accident. You and Harrison both listen to Tom tell the story and occasionally glance at each other, empathy for one another. Sometimes you forget that he's going through the same thing as you right now and how you're both in the same boat. You can help but think about how guilty Tom feels about all of this, his best friend and now you, he must feel horrible. By the time he finishes you're all sat there in tears.
"I'm so so sorry to both of you, if I could change that day I would, I just wish I never got in that car." You rub his back as he speaks those words,
"It's happened, there's nothing any of us can do apart from move on." You say and then look at Harrison.
"Harrison, I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, I just didn't you hurting anymore than you already were." Harrison says nothing, but he slowly stands up and makes his way to you and Tom. He puts his hand out for Tom to shake. Tom looks at him in almost complete shock and then firmly grasps his hand and shakes it, "Thank you." Tom says and Harrison puts a weak smile on his face and nods. Then he looks at you, the look he gives you breaks you, you
stand up and embrace him, you hug him tightly than you ever have, but it's different from how it was 5 years ago, he's a lot older now, he's bigger and he's bulked out.
You didn't know it but he was your protector now.
This was your brother and you swear you'll never let him go again.

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