Part 2

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You sit at home on your small desk scribbling down words onto paper, the thing that keeps you most calm, the thing you enjoy the most. The silence of the room is broken only by the sound of the pen scratching the paper and the small lamp on the desk buzzing. This was all you had to call home.
After hours of writing you glance down at your phone and see an email from Mr Holland;
Y/n y/l/n,
Come to the building tomorrow morning at 8am sharp. I have something for you to do. Remember what's at stake here, the days are passing.
Mr Holland.
You gulp as you read it but your excited too, you might finally have a shot at the job you wanted. You stand up to pick out an outfit for tomorrow, a slightly shorter skirt than yesterday but not too short, a simple blouse and a blazer jacket. After that you go back to writing.

The hours pass by and it's getting late yet you still sit there at your desk writing away until eventually, you fall asleep with your head on the desk resting on your arms.

Morning comes around and you flutter your eyes open and check the time. 7:30. Shit shit shit. I'm gonna be late. You quickly run to the bathroom and brush your teeth, put your hair into a neat bun and get changed. 7:38. You run to the kitchen and grab an apple and run out the door. Okay I need at least 15 minutes to be there by 8am. I really don't want to let Mr Holland down on my first day proving to him why I deserve this job. You get on the first busy that comes and tap your foot vigorously on the floor. Impatience is killing you at this moment. 7:47. 13 minutes. Anxiously waiting for the bus to get to the stop, you think of what Mr Holland wants you to do for him, everything that's anything is going through your brain. You just don't want to be late.
7.58 and the bus reaches your stop. You run off, taking care not to fall this time, and then run into the building and straight up the stairs to room 206. You look down at your phone, 7:59. You speed up almost running through the halls. You reach the room and knock lightly, you're out of breath.
"Come in." You hear from inside the room. You gingerly open the glass door and walk through the doors.
"Good morning Mr Holland." You say, he says nothing but gestures you to go towards him. You slowly walk towards him sat at his desk. He points to a large pile of papers and files,
"These are CV's for an audition for a movie we're casting for, I want you to go through them all and put them in order from best to worst. Do it by tonight. You're not leaving until you finish it." I nod hesitantly,
"Okay Mr Holland."
"Good. Room 201 is empty. It's just down the hall, you can work in there for today."
"Okay thank you Mr Holland." Then you walk over to the pile of papers and pick them up, then you exit the room to go to room 201.

You walk in and it's huge. You make your way over the the desk and plonk the pile down and being in your long job of ranking the CV's for the audition. Paper after paper after paper, you do the job slowly but surely. Hours pass by and every few hours Mr Holland stands at the door and watches you for a few moments then walks off, as if he's checking up on you to make sure you're not doing anything you're not supposed to. It's not 10:30 pm and it's dark out, you have about 30 more files to do.
"Everyone's gone y/n. What are you still doing here?" He asks, he seems much nicer without everyone around.
"I haven't finished yet, I only have these few left." You say as you point to the small pile left. He simply nods and walks back to his office as you continue with the files. At around 11:15 you're finished and start packing your things to leave, shoving stuff in your back and getting out money for the bus. You stand up, grab the pile and walk to Mr Holland office.
"They're all ranked, the best at the top and the worst at the bottom." You say.
"Okay, you can leave." You nod when he says that.
"Goodnight Mr Holland." You don't get a response from him.

You walk out of the building to the bus stop, it's not far at all, it's just outside Mr Holland's building. You sit and wait.
No bus comes. You start to get frustrated. Have the buses stopped running at this time??? You stand up and start walking home, only 30 seconds later you hear a voice behind you,
"Why are you still here y/n?" You recognise that voice. It's Mr Holland.
"I was waiting for the bus, it didn't come so I'm walking home." I reply, looking down at my feet.
"You don't have a car?" He asks.
"No." You say avoiding eye contact.
"I can't let you walk home in the dark. Follow me, I'll drop you off." You want to say no but you can't because it's Mr Holland. So you follow him to his shiny black Audi. He opens the back door for you and you get in. He goes around to sit in the front seat. You make eye contact in the mirror,
"What's your address" he asks.
"*your address*" he starts driving. The car ride was silent. Neither of you saying a word. Just a silent car ride to your house.
You arrive to your house in 10 minutes and Mr Holland steps out of the car and opens the door for you. You step out of the car and then stand up straight, you're awfully close to him and neither of you move for a moment. Then you step back.
"Uhm, thank you for the ride home.. Mr Holland."
"You're welcome y/n." There's a pause. "You live here?" He asks. You nod slightly, he looks confused and then he snaps out of it. "Well, same time tomorrow. Goodnight." And with that he gets back into the car and drives off. You walk into your house and go straight to your bed. You all asleep instantly after your long day.

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