Part 3

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Morning arrives and you get ready. You decide to wear a navy blue skirt today instead of your usual black. You sort yourself out in the bathroom and then head downstairs. You're on time today so you take the time to eat breakfast. A bowl of cereal and some apple juice. You sit in the small table in your kitchen and eat whilst you check your emails. Nothing interesting. You take a moment to think about how getting this job could really change your life. After today you'll have 5 more days until you find out and it's killing you thinking that you won't get it, yet you have hope.

It's 7:30 and you decide to head out so you won't be late again like yesterday. You grab you bag and some money for the bus and then you walk outside. As you walk outside you notice a car, and not just any car, a black Audi parked outside your car. You move your head forward in confusion as you see a man step out of the car. Mr Holland. You feel your nerves blow up as he walks over to you. Have I done something wrong? Have I lost my shot at this job? You begin breathing heavily as as comes closer.
"Y/n. Get in." He commands.
"I'm sorry Mr Holland, did I do something wrong" You ask concerned and scared that you're questioning him.
"No. I'm talking you, you don't have a car." He says gesturing towards. The car.
"But Mr Holland, I'm fine taking the bus." You tell him.
"I'm not. I can't have one of my workers coming to work by a public bus with drunk old men. You're stunning and who knows what they could do." You look down at your feet and blush a little as he says that. But then you clicked on, he called me a worker.
"Worker?" You say as a small smile grows on your face.
"Future worker." That assures you that you'll get the job so you follow him and get into the back of the car. You feel happy and content.
"How come you don't have a car y/n?" Tom asks, eyes fixed to the road.
"I can't afford one." You say shyly, embarrassed at the fact.
"But you have a license?" He continues.
"Yes, Mr Holland." He simply nods and drives on. The rest of the car ride was silent. Not awkward, no tension. Just silent.

You arrive at work and Tom shows you to room 201 again.
"This will probably be your office next week." He pauses as you look around, slightly shocked at his words, "I need you to do the same as yesterday but with the video auditions people have submitted. I'll log you in on my account and you simply drag the files into the right place. Understood?" He says, slightly sternly but still friendly. I not eagerly and start watching and ranking the videos. You go faster than yesterday because it's less reading and more watching videos. Video after video after video. Mr Holland checking up on you every so often like yesterday.

At around 6:30pm you finish ranking the videos and then walk down the hallways to Mr Holland's office. The doors open so you knock as you enter,
"Mr Holland?" You question, asking for permission to enter.
"Come in." You walk in and stand by his desk.
"I've finished ranking the videos, is there anything else you want me to do?" You ask hoping you can do as much as you can to guarantee you'll get this job.
"No. You're done. But follow me." He says as he gets up and walks out the office. You follow him as he exits the building and heads to the car park. He stops in front of a black Jaguar. He reaches into his pocket and grabs car keys and hands then to you.
"It's yours." He says.
"But Mr Holland-"
"No y/n, I can't be having you taking the bus everyday." He interrupts you.
"I can't accept this."
"Why not, you have a license. I don't see the problem." He says looking at you as you turn to face him.
"This must've cost so much, I can't just take something like this." I say feeling guilty that he's bought be this.
"It was nothing y/n. Consider it a welcome gift." He says with a small smile. His perfect teeth showing as he looks at you. How could you say no to that, he looks so happy, you haven't seen this side of him before.
"Fine." You finally give in and take the keys from his hand, brushing his hand with your fingertips as you do so, "Thank you." You say with a smile. He nods and gestures for you to get in the car. You get in and put your seatbelt on, put the keys in and turn it. The engine roars. You smile to yourself and then look at Mr Holland. He waves at you and you press the pedal for the first time since you got your license and drive off.

The whole ride home all you can think off is Mr Holland and how kinds he's been. He pretty much told you that you're going to get the job and he bought you a car, a car worth a lot of money. You drive with the music playing on the radio and soon you arrive home. You park the car outside your house in the spot that's been empty for the past 2 years. You walk to your house unlock the door and step inside. You look outside the window and the car Mr Holland gave you. Your car.

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