Part 15

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Your eyes flutter open to the sunlight shining through the window. You look over at Tom to find he's not there, you sit up and rub your eyes. A note is left on your bedside;

Gone to work, love. Will be back for 9.

You get out of bed and head to the bathroom. You wash your face with with cold water to wake you up and then go downstairs to eat. You sit and eat breakfast. You start thinking about old times whilst you write in your writing room for most of the day with the music on low.

I sit there, a 17 year old holding her 12 year old brother in her arms, lonely children everywhere. I'm just so thankful to have my brother with me, some of these kids have no one, I'm lucky to just have company here. We're all sat here waiting for the day someone wants us. Each child here has their own story, a whole past and a tragedy.
"Y/n?" I stand up.
"Yes!" I shout.
"Come this was please."
"I'll be just a few minutes." I whisper to my little brother as I get up and follow the woman who called my name.
"Take a seat." She says as we walk into a room, a wooden desk and wooden chairs with files all over the place. I sit down on one of the chairs and it creeks slightly. "I have some good news and bad news." I look at her waiting for her to continue, "the good news is that people are wanting to adopt you and your brother." A wide smile grows across my face when she says that, we're going to finally have a family again, after that day everything fell apart, we'll have someone again. "And the bad news, they're not the same families." My heart sinks, what did she just say? Different families?
"What?" I question. "No you can't do that, you can't split us up." Tears being to form in my eyes. "He's my brother." You say, begging.
"Y/n, you do understand that we can't turn these people down? We have to find families for as many of you as possible, we tried to find someone who would take you both but no one wanted to take on two adoptions." Tears start to fall down my face.
"No Miss. I'm sorry but you can't do this, it's my little brother! Don't you have any siblings?" I try to make her understand.
"Y/n that has nothing to do with this situation." She pauses. "You two have two days before your new families come to pick you up." My heart drops. This is really happening. What if I never see him again? I can't bear the thought of it. I storm out of the room to my brother and sit there and hold him in my arms. I don't tell him what's going to happen so that he doesn't get scared. My brain so chaotic, I'm scared. I'm scared to loose my brother, to be alone, to loose the last person I have in my life.

Todays the day. Todays the last day I'll see my brother. I see the woman come towards us, my heart begins to race faster than it ever has,
"I'm sorry y/n but it's time to say goodbye to your brother. His new family are here to pick him up." Tears threatened to fall down my cheeks but I stay strong for him.
"What's happening y/n?" He asks me. I take a deep breath.
"You're going to go away for a little bit. But I'll come see you soon, I promise."
"Oh okay. How long will you be?"
"Not long at all I promise."
"Okay. Bye then." He smiles at me.
"No, no don't say bye, let's say... see you later." I smile, tears filling my eyes.
"See you later y/n." I smile as I see him walk off, and then I let the tears flood, my little brother walking off into a new life.
Later that day I'm called to meet my new family, I decide to take their last name, have a full fresh start. Y/n Y/l/n.

You find yourself tearing up over your thoughts. You want your brother back in your life. Just the need of a blood related family member, that's all you wanted.

You hear the post box flap and go to check the mail. A letter addressed to Tom comes though. No one knows he's here though. The letter makes you suspicious so you give Tom a call, it rings a few times before he answers,
"Hey y/n."
"Tom a letter came for you. Have you told anyone you're staying here?" You hear his voice become uneasy,
"No, uh I haven't, open the letter who's it from?" You tear open the envelope and glance around from a name.
"It's from Harrison." You say, you're scared now, Harrison knows this place and where you live.
"What does it say y/n?" You hear him shuffling on the other end of the line.
"He knows where this house is. He said he won't stop and that he knows you have a girl with you." You pause, "Tom he wants to hurt you, not physically, he wants you to be miserable. Tom.."
"What y/n?"
"He's coming for me."
"Y/n don't move I'm coming home." He hangs up the phone and you drop the letter from your hands. You're terrified. How did Harrison know this place? How did he know Tom was here. You just want Tom to be home, so your not alone. You just need company to distract you from your thoughts.

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