Part 13

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You arrive in a car park but you don't know where you are. You both get out of the car and Tom places his hand on your lower back, his touch sending chills through your body, you walk to the front of a fancy building and you walk in.
"Tom, oh my god. You didn't have to do this." You say as you both walk into one of the most expensive restaurants in town, the interior covered in gold and red. It was beautiful.
"My treat. You deserve something special." You smile at him and you both walk further into the building to the counter. "We have a reservation for Mr Holland at 8:30."
"Ah yes. Mr and Mrs Holland right this way." We follow the man and Tom whispers to you,
"I like the sound of that." You blush at his words. You both sit at your table on red velvet chairs and look at the menu. There's so much to choose from, they do almost everything. You both order your food and talk a bit whilst waiting for your food.
"How was work?" You ask him.
"Same old." He chuckles slightly.
"Tom?" He nods, you hesitate before you ask him this next question, "why did you stop acting?"
"You think I wanted to stop?" He pauses, "y/n acting was my only passion, and after the Spider-Man trilogy, my career as an actor flopped, it's like everyone forgot about me..."
"No ones forgotten about you." You say, sympathy in your voice.
"When was the last time you heard the name Tom Holland before you met me." It's true, you hadn't heard it in years. But you didn't want to admit it so you just looked down, "See y/n? You hadn't heard it. But it's okay because I'm happy now, because stopping acting put me on the path to meet you, and I wouldn't have it any other way." You look at him in the eye as he says those words and you can't help but let a huge smile grow on your face.
"I wouldn't change it for the world." The waiter comes with your food and you both sit back as he puts the plates down. You both eat and talk about general things, just getting to know each other a little bit more.

After you finish eating, you and Tom go for a walk around the nearest park, it's dark and the park is dimly lit with the lampposts on either side of the walkway. You in your dress and Tom in his suit, you've only known this man for 10 days but right now, walking in this park side by side, you're completely and undeniably in love with him; the way he talks, walks, acts, the way me smiles, the way he controls himself, everything about Tom was to die for and you wouldn't have it any other way. You both begin to walk off the path and into the forest, you stumble upon a small stream running through the forest. You decide to sit down next to it. You both sit there next to each other in silence, the only sound being the trickling of water from the stream in front of you and the rustling of the trees surrounding you, but most of all, the air was full of love, the most powerful force on Earth. The only thing that can bring two people together. Your love for the man next to you was unreal, how could you possibly fall this hard for someone so fast.
"What you thinking about?" Tom asks you. You stare at the stream in front of you as you fidget with your hands in front of you,
"You." You look towards him and smile, your hair covering your face slightly. He smiles back at you and moves the hair out of your face and tucks it behind your ear. You shuffle to face him completely. Your eyes locked on his, that deep brown shade that you can never seem to shake out of your head. He rests his hand on your cheek and to make this moment perfect, he kisses you, softly yet passionately. It was as if the universe was watching you, the two humans utterly in love with each other.

After you and Tom have your moment, you decide its time to head home. You both walk back to the car park of the restaurant and you sit in the car. You head home and throughout the whole ride you were taking to each other, going on about all sorts. It was an incredible night and you're so glad you met Tom.

You get home and you both walk up to the house. You get your keys out and go to open to the door, you put the keys in and try to turn it but you can't because it was already unlocked. Tom wasn't paying attention to you unlocking the door,
"Tom.." you say, scared. He looks at you, "I think someone's in the house." You say and his facial expression changes.
"Harrison." He states and walks into the house, "y/n stay here."

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