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Jimin blinks and hugs the silver clipboard he was holding onto tighter. He sat uncomfortably infront of the Asylum's head, The man looking down at him with a scrutinizing stare.

"I trust you will get him cured in no time." The man asserts, His voice rough at the edge but it held a certain confidence that made Jimin feel better as well.

“I'll try my best, Mr. Bang.” He replied, smiling tightly.

“You should.” He says with finality, passing Jimin the folder he was inspecting. “You must.”

Jimin gulps and nods once.

"His room number is on the fourth floor. I trust you can find your way there on your own?"

The blonde hums in approval and stands up from his chair. He politely bows infront of the man before walking out of the room. He finds his way silently towards the elevators whilst inspecting his patients profile as he bows as a form of greeting towards the very few people he had recognized in the halls.

Once he gets in the elevator he pushes the button for the 4rth floor and grips his clipboard tighter, Feeling his stomach churning weirdly in nervousness.

At the back of his mind he knew something was wrong, something was off.

He stares at the silver doors as they open and he immediately sees a room at the end of the hallway with a Joker symbol glaring loudly in contrast to the white walls and doors in the floor.

It looked different, As if it was special. However Jimin wouldn't lie that the door itself looked intimidating.

There were a few people in white, Which Jimin assumed were nurses, They looked different as well. Seemingly more buff, towering over Jimin's petite frame easily. They were gaurding the door but as soon as they see Jimin they give respect by bowing.

He looks down at his clipboard one last time to glare at the picture of his patient before he sucks a sharp breathe in and raises his chin confidently.

He can do this.

He will do this.

"Alright Jeon Jungkook. Let's get you cured."

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