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When Jungkook took me home that night, I couldn't sleep.

He left as soon as I got home with a kiss on my forehead, He told me not to worry about anything and that I should get a good nights sleep.

He gave me a reassuring smile and told me he's going to look forward to our next session.

I didn't worry about anything much like he had told me, It was silent in my apartment and I refused to go out or converse with any of my friends. I was too scared to go outside, too worried that the police might be looking for me.

I was diagnosed with an extreme case of anxiety a few years back, The doctors gave me pills for it. I haven't gotten any of my symptoms up until the day I sunk my knife in a human body, Much like I had expected my anxiety got worse.

The voices, I've mention they were kinder.

They still are.

I just dont know why they wont let me sleep.

It's getting annoying, not because they're making me overthink but because they're too loud.


I was okay for the most part, The only thing is the voices become so loud whenever I take my anxiety pills. I only started to take them after my parents died up til I was studying, I stopped when i started my first few years of being a psychiatrist.

After i killed that person, I had to take those pills again.

The voices-convince me. They made the urge to kill in my heart easier. They made me bloodlust. Like wanted to kill again since it felt so good the first time.

But I know I cant, Even though they tell me that it's okay. That I should try to kill again, To just give it another shot.

Just one last time, They say.

And I do want to listen, So so bad.

But I forcefully stop myself because I know it's wrong. Part of me doesn't want to succumb to it. Maybe because of fear? I don't know.

There's always this one thing in my mind that's stopping me.

It's bad though, When I dont listen to them-I get anxiety attacks. And thus, My pills.

Jiminieee, Come on just one more!

Pleaaase? We wont bug you anymore after thissss!

Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee! Jimin Pleaaaaaaaasse.

"I-I dont want to."

Jimin talks to himself, He was shaking on where he was sitting and honestly, Even with all the lights shut in his apartment he could still see his reflection from his mirror. He looked like a mess.

Then just do it Jiminieeee

Last one! Pleaaaase?

Hurry! Come on!

"I-I have nothing to kill anyone with."

Jimin whispers reluctantly, His eyes shut tightly.

That's okay, We'll look for something.

Dont ya' have that old baseball bat?

Eww its boringgg! Just brown and... woody!

"I have paint... I-I can design it?"

There you go Jimin! So smart!

Well, Lets get to work then!

Hurry sweatheart, Not much time to spare.

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