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"Has he moved at all?"

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"Has he moved at all?"

"No. We've gotten nothing from him."

The detective says with a sigh, Casting a glance to Jimin who was dripping wet, They tried hosing him with water awhile ago because he didn't attempt to move from his position on the floor at all. He was just sitting tightly in the corner with his knees up to his chest glaring at anyone who comes near him.

"Doctor Park."

A psychologist attempts, crouching infront of Jimin.
Jimin just glares at him and pushes himself backward on the wall.

"Doctor Park, I would like to ask a few questions is that okay?"  Jimin shakes his head, no.

The detective and other police officers behind them gasp. That's the only thing Jimin has done, He hasn't cooperated until now.

"No? What do you want me to do then?"

"M-Mr. J." Jimin stutters out quietly, He hears people cheering in the background and he flinches.

"SHUT UP!" The doctor growls, Jimin watches him quietly.

"Mr. J? Can I ask what your relation with him is, Jimin?"

Jimin opens his mouth and closes it. What are they? They haven't talked about that ever since... we'll ever since they got to Jungkook's hide out.

How did he even get there?

Get it together, Jimin!

"I dont! I d-don't want to listen to you!" Jimin screams to himself, his body shaking in exertion as he presses his hands on both his ears tightly.

"Jimin, sweetheart. Don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you." The doctor coaxes, Jimin blinks his tears away and looks up at him.

"What happened to you? You we're an amazing psychiatrist. The best there was, Doctor Park." Jimin freezes at that, His face contorting into an angry frown.

The doctor flinches from his glare and Jimin starts laughing loudly.

"What's did he tell you Jimin? What did Mr. J say?"

The detective asks, Jimin looks up at him innocently before grinning.


Jimin giggles, Biting his pointer finger and looks down.

"He what?"

"He said he loved me."

Jimin whispers, Before bursting out laughing.

"What's funny?"

Jimin grins at him.


In the blink of an eye Jimin has the man in a headlock, Choking him harshly as he shakes in laughter. The doctor struggles, Hitting Jimin's hands as he gasps out for air and getting none.

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