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«Jimin, I've opened an office for you in the Mental Institute. You can move in now, If you would want.»

Mr. Bang informs from the other side of the line.

I scramble up my bed to put on my black ripped jeans. It's been awhile since I had actually went out with my casual wear, But I figured if I'd visit the asylum to fix my office and put my stuff in my new space then why not? I wasn't working. It would be fine.

«Will you be able to go here to grab your key?»

“Yes!” I exclaimed, walking to my closet and picking out a simple black shirt and a denim jacket to go over it with. “Yes, I'll be on my way shortly. Thank you, Sir.”

«Alright, Just pass by the main counter and show your ID, They should give the key to you.»

“Okay.” I confirmed, “Oh and Mr. Bang? Do you mind if I'm not in my uniform? I mean, Im not going there for work." I reasoned out, fixing my hair in the mirror.

«Yeah, It's okay.» He agreed, I found myself smiling at my reflection with his answer. «Oh and don't forget lock your room up if you leave, Mr. Park. It's still in an Asylum, If anyone gets out of the cell rooms and in your office, consider all your stuff gone.»

I just hummed at that and thanked him once again before I hung up. I grab my car keys that hung on the back of my door and placed it in my pocket.

Grabbing my phone and surveying the room for anything I might need, I hesitate when my eyes land on the gold box Jungkook had gifted me. I carefully make my way back onto my bed and pick up the box to place it on the sheets. I then open it and stare at the gun Jungkook gave me. Should I..?

Ah fuck it.

I grab the gun and stuff it in my bag without a second thought and started heading out my room with my backpack slung on my shoulder effortlessly.

The drive towards the ward was completely uneventful, It was just quiet with my music blasting through my car speakers and my fingers drumming on the wheel. The diamond ring shone brightly against the sun which made me smile just thinking about it.

My phone rings immediately as I arrived, Once I had hopped down the driver's seat I move to the back of my car to grab my bag and push it over my shoulder and carried my carboard box filled with paperworks and small decorations to fix my table wit...

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My phone rings immediately as I arrived, Once I had hopped down the driver's seat I move to the back of my car to grab my bag and push it over my shoulder and carried my carboard box filled with paperworks and small decorations to fix my table with both of my hands. I swipe the answer button on my phone and press it on my ear with only my shoulder holding the phone up.

“Hello?” I huffed out, slightly tripping at a lone rock on the floor. I glare at the inanimate object but continue my way into the Asylum anyways.

«Yo Chim, Why arent you at home?» My best friend, Taehyung, asked.

“I wen't to the ward. I've been given an Office here so I had to visit and place my stuff.”

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