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────•~❉ Jungkook ❉~•────

“Jungkook look. We've been here for a week already since Jimin came. We've already lost alot of opportunities. When the fuck do you plan to escape?”

I hear hoseok hiss at me. I glance up at him and grin. “I know.”

“So?! Arent you gonna do anything?!”

I laugh at his face, His frustration was funny.

He's funny.

“No.” I answer seriously, the smile dropping from my face. “Give me a month. Then lets get out.”

“I thought you were sick of this hellhole.” He complained with a roll of his eyes.

I glare at him and I see him shiver in fear. Was he questioning my will?

How dare he?

For now, I'll let it pass. I wasn't in the mood.

“I was.” I grunted out, throwing my body back onto the bed. “But I have to do this the right way, With Jimin.”

“Why with Jimin? Ugh.” He grumbles, But I disregard him. Twisting my body to grab a polarioid picture of Jimin that I had under my pillow for when I missed him.

“Just look at him.”

“What? You want to fuck him?”

I squint at him and he grabs the photo harshly to put it back in its rightful place.

“Is he another one of your stupid flings you crazy bitch?” He must be strung up because he had wanted to escape sooner, Especially since he was hired as a registered nurse and was probably doing unnecessary things for patients against his will.

I glare at him because of his outburst and he immediately sinks back down on the chair he was sitting at.

“He's not stupid.” I whispered, picking back the picture of him and staring at his face. “He's mine.” I thumbed his cheek through the picture and return it under my pillow before kicking my feet up. I threw one of my pillows towards him making him yelp and stands up.

“He's mine. And im taking him with me” I growl out angrily. He's quiet, So i laughed again. “If I had already made myself clear, I won't repeat it again Hoseok.”

“Fuck you.”

“Do as I say, You owe me your life.” I spat out.

“Fuck you.”

"Whatever~" I singsong out. I hear a knock on my door and I immediately fix my stance in bed because of panic.

“Fuck. Do i look good?” I asked him, touching my hair unconsciously.

“I guess?” He says unimpressed, making me roll my eyes.

“Yeah whatever. Get the fuck out and let Jimin in.”

“Or what.” He taunts.

I grin at him sadistically. “Do you want me to hurt you?” I said threatiningly, Pulling out a knife. “Wanna play, Seokie?” I purred, His eyes widened and he shook his head.

“Where'd you get that?” I hear him whisper in shock, shaking his head as he hears me cackle loudly from inside.

I scared him atleast, That was enough.


─────•~❉ Jimin ❉~•────

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