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I woke up with the sound of my doorbell ringing. I rub my eyes and sigh, I was already sleeping well.

I groan and I take a glimpse at the clock on my bedside table.

2:41 am, it read.

Who would be here at this hour? I don't remember inviting Taehyung or anybody. I throw my legs off my bed and rub the sleep off of my eyes, I contemplate whether or not I'm going to wash my face or not but I ended up not caring about my appearance all, I just wanted to get this over with and go back to the confines of my bed and sleep.

I mean, Its 2 in the fucking morning. It's not new to see someone in their bed hair, A crinkled thin loose white shirt and boxers right?

The ringing gets annoying after some time, More forceful.

I groan in annoyance, Reaching for my glasses on the bedside table and trudging my way to the door.

"Im coming, Im coming. Sheesh." I open the door while stiffling a yawn with my arm

"Sleepyhead." He chuckled out lowly.

"Jungkook?!" I gasped in shock, The sleep immediately rushing out of my system when I see him.

"Hush, kitten." He whispers harshly, Tugging my hand and stepping into my apartment, Hastily closing the door on his way.

"What-How-When--" I stuttered with wide eyes, pointing at Jungkook and then back at the door and sputtering incoherently.

Jungkook just grins. "I'll just be here for awhile. I got bored in my room. So I figured I'd go play with you instead, Sorry did I wake you?"

"I-Its fine. Its fine." I clear my throat and drag him to my apartments kitchen. Once he's settled down I open the lights.

"Do you want anything? Juice? Coffee?"

"I want you."

I blush.


Jungkook laughs. "Just water, pumpkin."

"O-Oh! Okay!" I exclaim, pulling the door of the fridge open and leaning down to grab the water pitcher, I hear the chair drag and I gulped.

Why did I let him in anyway? He's mentally ill. He might kill me, He can kill me.

But he's my patient.

I trust him.

Due to my thinking, I hadn't noticed that he slipped behind my and back hugged me like it was the normalest thing on earth.

He was warm.

Unconsciously I melt onto his touch, He buries his face on the side of my neck and breathes in.

"You smell good." I roll my eyes at his statement.

"I just came from my bed. I probably smell like shit." I joked out.

"Nope. You smell like you." He whispered, nosing the back of my ear.

I giggle and take his cup of water that I had just poured, turning around and giving it to him. He accepts it and takes a gulp, Before placing it on the side of the marble kitchen top.

I squeel when he pushes me up all of a sudden, He makes me sit on the kitchen top and grabs my legs to wrap around his waist. My arms were on top of his chest and when he started kissing me, I gripped his shirt til' my arms wound themselves around his neck.

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