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"Princess, No! Stop!"

Someone screams from down the stairs, Jimin hears thudding footsteps rushing towards him.

He's faced with two men in black not more than a few seconds later, Jimin tilts his head at them in wonder.

"Pull the trigger?" He taunts, giggling as they both scream "no" whilst shaking their heads furiously.

"Yes?" He teases.

"No! Please!" One of them begs, raising both his arms in mock surrender. Jimin smiles up at him in appreciation.

"You have such a pretty face, You know." Jimin purrs, Licking his lips and letting his eyes roam and appreciate the well built body in front of him.

"Would you rather... for me to kill you instead?" He asks nonchalantly, Removing his gun from his temple and raising it towards the guy. The clueless man looked shell shocked and is unable form a coherent answer.

"I'm kidding. Loosen up!" Jimin laughs out, shoulders shaking in silent joy. The man lets out a relieved breath and that's when Jimin pulls the trigger.

The man drops on the floor dead.

"Clean it!" Jimin commanded the other man, Not wanting blood to get on the precious floors of the house Jungkook gave him. He was about to stand up and clean it himself but, He couldnt.

The man complies immediately and Jimin was pleased enough. Jimin hadn't stop laughing even as he hauls himself up from the floor, He had mascara lines dripping down his face but he could care less right now. It was the least of his problems.

"Time to look pretty~"

He singsongs entering the walk-in closet and squeeling at the amount of clothing and jewelry inside.



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"You need a what?"

"A new driver."

Jimin says, Smudging his lipstick with his thumb as he checks his outfit one last time in the mirror.

"What happened to the other one?" Yoongi asks with his brows furrowed.

"Princess." Jimin corrected.


"I said call me princess!" Jimin barks out, Glaring at Yoongi.
He hops off the glass table he was sitting on and dusts off his dress with a huff.

"The other driver's dead."

Yoongi's brows raise at the statement, then he releases a sigh and pinches his temple.

"I'll take you to where you're going because I can't get you a driver right now."

Jimin smiles at him widely. "Oh golly, We're gonna have so much fun!"

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