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"How long 'til they find us?"

Jimin yawed, Stretching his sore limbs and popping the bubble he made from his gum. He closes the motel's blinds and leans on the wall next to him, Eyeing Taehyung who was sat on the edge of the single sized bed loading his gun.

"We're safe for the night." Taehyung mumbled.

"The cops are a buncha idiots anyways. We ain't getting a glimpse of them 'til tomorrow." Jimin shrugged out.

"That's true." The hitman agreed, placing his gun on the bed and looking at his bestfriend for a moment before unhooking his eye peice and falling back onto the bed to lay down.

"So what's your deal?"

He asks his Jimin, ignoring the way the previous psychiatrist's accessories jingle distractingly.

"I fell in love." Jimin sighed out.

Taehyung chuckles. "Babe, Love doesn't turn you psychotic."

Jimin giggles at that as Taehyung feels the bed dip from beside him and he didn't have to open his eyes and look to know Jimin sat down beside him.

His laughter was continuous, Not stopping and only getting louder. Taehyung pops an eye open and finds out that,

One his bestfriend wasn't just laughing.

He was laughing and crying. His laughter almost sounding like heavy sobs.

"Jimin?" Taehyung asks in concern, pulling his body up.

"He's dead, T-Tae." Jimin chokes out, Wiping his tears that kept on rolling down his pale cheeks.

"Who is?" Taehyung asks cautiously, rubbing his hand up and down Jimin's back in an attempt to comfort him.

"Mr. J." Jimin sniffled. "And it's all my fucking fault."

"Mr. J?"

"Yes Tae. Mr. J."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really."

"Alright then. I won't ask you."

"Thank you." Jimin whispered shakily. "Tomorrow, Can we go somewhere? A bar? Or something?"


"I want to... forget."

"Alright then. We leave at dawn. Now get some sleep, princess. You're gonna need it."


"I thought you wanted to go to a bar?"

Taehyung asks, Staring at Jimin who was standing frozen in front of a mall. People were staring since he wasn't dressed normally but he seemed to not give a fuck as he gaped infront of a gucci store.


Jimin informs Taehyung, Looking enviously at the people who where shopping inside.

"Let's go buy some?"

Jimin shakes his head, Stepping backward a tiny bit.

"I have no money to buy with. Let's go."

Jimin states, Walking forward. Taehyung pulls him back with a hand on his wrist.

"Sweetheart, I can buy you the whole fucking store if you want me to. Let's get you something to wear, Yeah? My treat."


Taehyung thinks Jimin looks innocent like this. As if he didn't see his best friend murder almost a dozen of people infront of his eyes with just a baseball bat and a gun.

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