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Jimin's pov

I woke up with my head pounding and my eyes blurry.

I try to pull myself up on the bed I was on while muffling a yawn through my palm.

I was sore in a lot of places, My hip felt like it was crushed. My legs stung and my ass... well it just felt completely uncomfortable.

I try to blink my eyes to clear my vision so I could focus and survey the room.

Other than the clothes that were scattered on the bedroom's carpet floor, The room looked relatively normal. I look down and smooth my hand on the covers of the bed, it was satin red and the sheets that covered me was silk, It felt almost too luxurious. I pull the covers up to cover bare chest and bite my lip as I try and recall last night.

It comes back to me in vague scenes and blurry images.

I remember drinking,

Then Taehyung,

Then dancing,


Mr. J?

Wait, Mr. J?

My eyes widen, I look down at my hands. I find a bruise there on my wrist, I think it's maybe because it was held down tightly on the bed.

"Didn't I..."

I trail off as I look at the ring shining brightly, almost as if it was taunting me as it layed perfectly on my finger.

It was the same ring Jungkook gave me in my apartment, I got rid of it after he died but why am I wearing it again?

Why does my brain remember scenes with Jungkook so vividly from last night?

He's alive.

I tilt my head, Frowning.


Mr. J is alive. He made us think he was dead.

My face shapes into a massive scowl, anger starts pulsing through my veins and I clench my fist.

He just did WHAT?

"HE'S WHAT?!" I growl to myself, Brows tied together.

I don't get to dwell on it too much because of the abrupt knock on the door. I momentarily forget about my conflicting thoughts as I scream a hoarse 'it's open' and Taehyung's head pops out.

Why my voice is raspy, I have no clue. It leaves much to my imagination.

"Hey Min, I'll be going back home for a short while. I just wanted to say good bye." He said with a small smile.

I smile at him and nod. He smiles back and salutes at me before closing the door, His hand was bandaged. I wonder what happened to that?

Ugh, Thinking makes my head ache.

I groan in pain, Why was I fuming awhile ago again? Ah. I forgot.

Oh well.

I stand up and walk over to the mirror of the room I was in. My reflection was surprising even to me, Because of all the discoloration it looked like I just got a heavy beating.

My hair was a mess, My make up was all over the place, I had tons of hickeys on my neck. My wrists, thighs and neck had hand imprints. The skin on my hips looked the worst, It had purple spoltches forming already.

These bruises tell me that whoever I slept with last night wanted to devour me whole.

Instead of getting mad, I start laughing. It was funny. Seeing myself all bruised up, Like I was just a doll being used to play dress up.

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