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A/N: For visuals, Imagine this Jungkook with green hair:

A/N: For visuals, Imagine this Jungkook with green hair:

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"So... what's the plan?"

"I need..."

Jungkook blinks at his reflection in the mirror. Running his hand through his raven hair, The hickeys on his neck were still fresh considering the way Jimin wanted to have 'fun' with him was actually his way to interpret sex. Yoongi was behind him, Leaning on the doorway of the bathroom with folded arms.

"I need Jimin to prove himself to me. I need to be sure... He wont hurt me."

Yoongi scoffs.

"You should be scared of hurting yourself."

Jungkook frowns.

"I-I'm not that insane anymore, Hyung. You know I'm over hurting myself. That was when I was so frustrated with everything." Jungkook mumbles lowly, genuinely looking sad.

"You actually sound normal." Yoongi says, impressed. "Congratulations."

Jungkook cackles. "Normal isn't me."

"Damn it, Jeon. I thought I could have a minute of peace with you not being a complete maniac."

Jungkook laughs harder. "Want me to kill myself then?" Jungkook barks out, Taking the gun from the sink and pointing it on his head with a smirk.

Yoongi doesnt answer and asks a question instead. "What were you diagnosed with anyways? When you got to the mental hospital?"

Jungkook places the gun back down and grabs the green hair dye and shakes it.

"Schizophrenia above everything. Then there's Antisocial and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. And Bipolar disorder I think? I don't fucking know, Ask Dr. Park."
Jungkook growls out, Wetting his hair and applying the hair dye.

"I doubt Doctor Park is coming back." Yoongi explains, watching the Joker run chemicals through his hair. "Did you take meds?"

Jungkook scoffs. "I did the first time. I had to force them down my fucking throat to give a good impression. Dr. Park ruined me."

"Well you manipulated him anyway!" Yoongi exclaimed.

"I didn't manipulat him, you dumb fuck! HE LOVES ME!" Jungkook growls, He looks livid.

Yoongi wouldnt lie, He was abit terrified. Having been working with Jungkook for awhile, He knows he's the luckiest because he's the only one who stayed permanent, And well, Alive.

"Okay sure, He loves you." Yoongi gently coaxed, still shocked by the outburst.

Jungkook stays silent, And returns to his hair dye. He says something under his breath and starts laughing, Again.

"Anyways, You said you wanted to prove Jimin loved you? How will you do that?"

"I'm gonna fake my death." Jungkook say casually.

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