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"How long have they been like that?" Yoongi asks, Glancing at Hoseok who was lazily shoving pineapple in his mouth.

"I think it's been 5 hours."

"What?" Yoongi asks in shock.

"They were making out awhile ago, This is a tad better." Hoseok says nonchalantly, Shrugging his shoulders.

Yoongi squints at the couple. "It's unusual. They look normal."

Jungkook had Jimin settled on his lap, Arms around his waist protectively. Jimin was giggling, Feeding Jungkook the same pineapples Hoseok was snacking as well.

"They're anything but, Yoons. You know that," Hoseok says, a hint of diappointment in his tone. "Awhile ago they were talking about killing the president."

Yoongi raises his brows and Hoseok giggles at the face he makes. "Seriously!"

Yoongi snorts, Turning towards his own bedroom and saluting to Hoseok. "I'm going to rest. You should too. We're leaving tomorrow."

"Where?" Hoseok asks, yawning and downing his glass of water.

"Someone requested Mr. J"

Hoseok nods, Giving one last look at the couple before walking towards his own room as well. He doesn't bother giving regards because he wasn't in the mood to deal with any more crazy talk.

"We have a client tomorrow." Jungkook mumbles, Distracted by Jimin's lips as he sucks on two of his fingers that had residues of pineapple juice.

"Who?" Jimin asks.

"Don't really know." Jungkook huffed, cupping Jimin's jaw.

Jimin hums, Kissing Jungkook wetly on the lips repeatedly as a silent thank you for the affection.

"Should we sleep?" Jungkook asks, Reaching down and groping Jimin's ass through his silk nightgown. He wasn't wearing underneath anyway.

"We could if you want, Puddin' But you could maybe give me my treat first. I was a good boy after all."

Jungkook kisses down Jimin's neck, The doctor tilting his head for better access.

"You were. Weren't you baby?"

"Of course."

"We're going out tomorrow night as well." Jungkook declared.

"Ooooh, Date night? I love date night, Puddin! Can I have my treat now?"

Jungkook grins, Relaxing in his seat as Jimin gets down on his knees.



"JIMIN I SAID HURRY THE FUCK UP!" Jungkook snaps, Knocking on the door repeatedly.

"Fuckin' wait!" Jimin screams back, Yanking the door open harshly. He was glaring at Jungkook but at soon as he saw the Joker's attire he melts and smiles instead.

"Oh my fucking god." Hoseok groaned out, pinching the bridge of his nose. It was too early for him to see the couple's mood swings.

"Hi stranger" He purrs, Reaching forwards and lets his hands slide down on Jungkook's chest.

"We have to go." Jungkook says distracted. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks puddin"" Jimin giggled out, Jungkook laughs, Grabbing Jimin's hands and pulling him to the car.




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