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"Jimin? Is that you?"

Jimin looks up from where he sat on the side walk, blows a bubble with his gum and pops it before smiling.

"Hey there, Bestfriend!"

Jimin exclaims cheerfully, Pulling himself up and grabbing his bat.

Taehyung gapes at his bestfriend.

"You look... Different."

"I do, dont I? Sorry for the sudden call, can you just drop me down at my apartment? I'm really sorry I had to wake you up."

Taehyung shakes his head with a smile as Jimin climbs in the passenger seat.

"I really dont mind though, That's what best friends are for right?"

Jimin hums in answer, He seemed to have something on his mind. He was blankly staring at the moving cars outside the car's window.

"You... dyed your hair?"

Jimin jumps up at the sudden question and wipes the tear that dripped from his right eye.

It goes unnoticed.


"I thought that... hair dye wasn't allowed in the asylum?"

"Oh deont worry about that, I'm gonna quit that shitty job tomorrow."

Taehyung blinks, Taking a sharp turn and glancing at Jimin. "Jimin are you sure you're okay? You're gonna quit? But you love your job."

Jimin bites his tounge to avoid saying anything bad.

Taehyung is his bestfriend after all.

"I'm absolutely fine! Teriffic! Don't worry, Tae!"

Taehyung frowns.

"You didn't answer my question? I thought you loved your job?"

Jimin grits his teeth.

"Yeah. I do. I just found another place with better pay."

"Ooooh, That's why." Taehyung nods in understanding, Jimin almost sighs in relief when Taehyung finally buys his excuse. "Tada! We're here!"

"Thanks so much for the ride Tae! See you!" Jimin leans forward and pecks Taehyung.

He jumps off the car and skips his way inside his apartment.

Taehyung was frozen in place.

Eyes wide and jaw slack.

Jimin just kissed him on his lips.


Once Jimin enters his apartment his smile drops from his face.

He screams first.

Then he starts swinging his bat, Breaking anything and everything he sees.

He destroys his table.

He destroys his Television.

His lamp.

His everything.

Jungkook was—His everything.

His cheeks were wet and he was shaking, His loud sobs echoed inside his apartment. The apartment he used to love. The apartment where Jungkook brought him flowers the apartment where Jungkook gave him a ring.

Jimin's legs gave out, He sinks to the floor while clawing at his neck.

He's still crying as he throws his bat somewhere in the room.

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