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Third Persons

"What the fuck? Where is he?" Jungkook grits out, tapping his fingers on the table impatiently. He's gotten everything Jimin asked him to get but he himself was still missing.

"Jungkook he hasn't been out for an hour yet."


And then... Jungkook starts laughing. Yoongi winces at the sound, Hoseok hides behind him.

"You're really wasting my precious time!" They hear Jimin screech from outside the door. Jungkook's head whips up at the sound of his voice as the door slams open and a whimpering boy crawls inside the room helplessly.

Jungkook immediately grins when he recognizes the person.

"Well hello there, Key! My dear old businesses partner, How are you?"

Jungkook purrs, Kicking his feet up the table and grabbing his gun.

"Ah, Puddin' that ain't got no bullets." Jimin informed him, chewing on his bubblegum loudly as he walks in with his baseball bat on his shoulders.

"Is this the gift sweety?"

"Mm. Someone told me the reason my dear Mr. J got locked up was because of... you!" Jimin points his bat at the man he had kidnapped. The others eyes widen and he starts shaking his head to deny the accusation all the while Jimin giggles.

"Seriously darling? Stop denying it."

Jimin walks forward and straddles the said man, He winces at Jimin's close proximity and tries his best to struggle from his restraints.

Jungkook pushes his tounge in his cheek, Eyeing them both dangerously.

"Why? You don't want me?" Jimin asks with a pout, Tilting his head to the side and dragging the edge of his bat on the man's cheek.

Before Jimin could even blink there was gunshot, Jimin screams at the sudden intrusion as Key falls limp on the floor.

He was dead.

"Ewwww! His blood is on me!" Jimin screeches, Jumping up and ripping the part of his shirt that got blood on it witha pure loom of disgust painted on his pretty face. Jungkook jumps over his table with his glare directed at Jimin.

"Are you playing with me sweetheart?" Jungkook growls angrily as he stalked forward to where Jimin was standing, The vixen only laughs at him as a response.

"Aw why? My puddin's mad?" Jimin teases with a small grin and a tilt of his head, Jungkook scowls and hits his cheek with the back of his gun.

"Don't play with me, Jimin."

Jimin smiles wider, all teeth and blood before spitting the blood that had accumulated in his mouth to the side due to the intensity of the Joker's hit.

"I'm not playing, Daddy." Jimin cooed, stepping forward fearlessly to wrap his arms around a seething Jungkook's neck whilst batting his eyelashes.

"I'm yours, I know. I got that." Jimin whispers to appeal his partner, Lips pressing against Jungkook's earlobe and sucking gently.

"Want to die, Baby boy?" Jungkook grumbled.

Jimin laughs at the empty threat, Pressing wet kisses on Jungkook's jaw. Jungkook angles his hand so the gun was right under Jimin's chin, stopping Jimin from kissing him anywhere else.

"Then hit me." Jimin dared to say.

Jungkook breaks so easily.

"So good for me." He says under his breath. He throws his gun away and pins Jimin on the nearest wall.

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