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"Dr. Park! Welcome back!"

As ironic as it is, Jimin doesn't really remember his name, He just doesn't.

All he knows is that this exact person didn't really like him before, He'd always be secretly glaring at Jimin whenever he would get praised in their office.

He had always been jealous and perhaps because of his jealousy he was blinded, He didn't think Jimin was watching him too.

"Are you sure you're glad to have me back?"  Jimin says sarcastically with a sneer, He turns around and walks straight to Mr. Bang's office without sparing the guy a last glance. He ignores the psychiatrist's screams of 'what the hell do you mean by that?' with another roll of his eyes.

Jimin sighs first and then proceeds to enter their boss' office with a bright and friendly grin. He kicks the door close with his heel and leans on it with folded arms. Mr. Bang looks up at Jimin, His vision blurred as he gasped for breath. 

The clock clicks and Jimin's smile turns into a cynical grin.

"Goodmorning, Mr. Bang." Jimin greets, stepping closer to the table. "How was your morning? Was your coffee good?"

Jimin taunts he places his resignation letter on Mr. Bang's desk and tugs of his lab coat. Jimin rounds the table and grips the man's hair and pulls him back harshly.

"You know, I really didn't like you." Jimin spits, Bashing Mr. Bang's head on his table a few times before giggling as he watches blood trickle down the man's forehead.

Jimin lets go of him and hauls his body onto the table, Swinging his feet as he hums a tune. He picks up his dagger and uses it as a mirror as he applies his eyeshadow and glides on red lipstick on his lips.

"W-What did you do to me?"

Mr. Bang practically chokes out, He clawed on his throat as his body spasms on his chair. Jimin closes the cap of his red lipstick and smacks his lips together.

"It's my first experiment! I've been interested in poison lately and I needed to try the solution I made to see if it worked." Jimin giggled out. He whispers a 'turns out it did' under his breath as the man starts heaving louder. A little after that he starts coughing his lungs out, He looked like he wanted to say something but couldn't form a sentence anymore.

"I have to thank you, Mr. Bang."
Jimin mumbles, folding his legs and leaning back with his left palm holding his weight as he watches the man cough out blood with a sinister glint in his eyes.

"Not only did you assign me to Jeon Jungkook and made me fall inlove, but you were also an awsome lab rat! My poison worked really well!"

Jimin laughs loudly and hops off the table as he watches his previous boss' eyes roll and his body go limp on his seat. Jimin's grin get wider as he skips towards the mirror hung on Mr. Bang's cabinet.

"Have you ever been in love, Doctor?"

Jimin whispers, heavy emotion present in his tone. He lifts his thumb up and smudges his lipstick, Like how Jungkook did. His eyes gloss over and he sniffles.

"You look better like that."

Jimin blinks his tears away.

"You shouldn't, because the pain you feel is ten times worse than physical pain." Jimin picks up the coffee cup on his dead boss' table and throws it in the bin.

He gives one last wink at the corpse."Would you mind if i let out a few people, Mr. Bang?" Jimin asks, Turning to peer at the corpse.

The man doesnt answer, Since he's dead.

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