i. transfer

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"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate."
-Oprah Winfrey

Laurel? I'm at work."

"Sorry, Ollie. I needed to speak to my dad but he wouldn't answer the phone." she said.

"He's in a meeting right now. Do you want me to tell him you called?" Oliver asked.
"Yeah, I would appreciate that. Thanks, Ollie." Laurel said sweetly.

"It's not a problem. I'll talk to you later." Oliver sighed, hanging up the phone upon seeing Captain Lance motioning for him to come in his office.

"Detective Queen, meet Captain Singh of the CCPD." Quentin Lance introduced them, motioning a hand between the two.
"It's very nice to meet you, sir." Oliver said, shaking Singh's hand firmly.
Singh responded, "You too." and accepted
the handshake.

"May I ask what this is about?" Oliver asked, standing straight and looking Captain Lance in the eyes.
"Well, you are an amazing detective and I've been told that you've always wanted to be in Central City, so I talked to Captain Singh and he told me that he currently needs more detectives. So, Queen, would you like to transfer to the Central City Police Department?" Captain Lance asked.

"Are you serious, sir?" Oliver asked, shock in his evident all over his face.
"Yes, he's serious, Mr. Queen. So, what do you say? Would you like to come work for me?" Captain Singh asked.
"Yes, I would love to. Thank you so much." Oliver grinned almost ear-to-ear, shaking both of the Captains' hands.

"When would I be transferred?" Oliver questioned.
"This Wednesday." Captain Lance nodded.

"Two days to tell my family. Oh God." Oliver muttered.
"What was that, Queen?" Captain Lance asked.
"Sorry, sir. I just realized my family is going to be hurt because I'm leaving Star City. I need to figure out how to tell them." Oliver said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Oliver, I'm sure they'll understand. They know how much your job means to you." Lance said comfortingly.
"Thank you, sir." Oliver smiled softly.

"Okay, go and start getting ready to leave. You may leave early to talk to your friends and family about what's going on." Lance said.
"Thank you." Oliver said, walking out the door.

Oliver ended up walking back into the room.
"I just remembered, Laurel wants you to call her back."


"So you're leaving me, Ollie?"

"No, Laurel, I'm not." Oliver paused, "Well, not exactly."
"Ollie, that's exactly what you're doing." Laurel said, hurt lacing her voice.

Oliver stopped pacing.
"Laur, you know how badly I've always wanted to work at CCPD." Oliver said, sitting on the couch beside Laurel.
"I know, I know. It still hurts to know you want to leave." Laurel sighed, moving to lean her head on Oliver's shoulder.

"If I could take you with me, I would. You know that." Oliver said, leaning his head on top of Laurel's.

"Do you think you'll find 'the one' over there?" Laurel asked, changing the subject.
"I don't know. I might." Oliver said, "With my job, I've sorta learned to expect the unexpected."

"I hope you find someone. Any guy would be lucky to have a great guy like you." Laurel smiled.
"Thanks, Laurel." Oliver smiled back, lifting his head up.

Laurel moved to face Oliver.
"Trust me, if you didn't like guys, I would be all over you." Laurel laughed.
"I bet you would. Who wouldn't want me?" Oliver joked.
This caused Laurel to laugh even harder, Oliver decided to join in with her.


"Hey, Ollie!"
"Hey, Thea. How was your day?" Oliver asked his sister, who was now hugging him.
"It was good. How was yours?" Thea asked, moving out of the hug.
"It was great, actually. I got to leave early."

"Are mom and dad here?" Oliver asked.
"Yeah, they're in the sitting room." Thea said.
"Okay, come on. I need to talk to all of you." Oliver said, grabbing his sister's hand to drag her behind him.

"Hey mom. Hey dad." Oliver smiled, walking into the room.
"Hey... May I ask why you're dragging your sister?" Moira asked, confused.
"I needed her in here. I have something important to tell you all." Oliver said, sitting down on the couch across from her parents, Thea moved to sit beside him.

"What is this about?" Robert asked.
"I got an offer to work at the CCPD." Oliver said sorta fast, getting straight to the point.

"Really? That's great! What did you say?" Moira asked.
"I told them yes. I actually transfer this Wednesday." Oliver said.

"Wow. That's very sudden." Robert said, surprise on his face.
"It is, but I've always wanted to work there so I took it." Oliver said.

"So, you're moving to Central City?" Thea asked sadly.
"I will eventually, yeah. I called an old friend of mine and he said I could stay with him." Oliver said to his sister.
"I'm happy for you." Thea said, giving him a small smile and a hug.

"Thea, you know you'll still see me, right? It just won't be as much, unless you always visit." Oliver whispered to his sister.
Thea held on to her brother tightly.
"I know. It just sucks because you're leaving.." Thea said quietly.
"It'll be okay, Speedy." Oliver said, pulling out of the hug.


"Hey, Tommy!" Oliver said enthusiastically into the phone.
"Hey, Oliver! How've you been?" Tommy asked.

"I've been good. How about yourself?" Oliver asked.
"I've been better." Tommy sighed.

"What's wrong?" Oliver asked, concern in his voice.
"Working for my dad is very stressful sometimes, and at the moment, it's extremely stressful." Tommy explained.

"Aw, man. I'm sorry." Oliver said, frowning although Tommy couldn't see him.
"It's fine, I'll live." Tommy said, "Anyway, what's up man?"

"Oh, I wanted to tell you about my transfer to Central City." Oliver said excitedly.
"Seriously?! Oh my God, congrats man! I know you've always wanted that." Tommy said.
"Thanks, Tommy." Oliver grinned.
"Of course!" Tommy responded.

"So, what place are you currently in?" Oliver asked curiously.
"China." Tommy said.
"That's ways away, man." Oliver said, "What are you doing over there exactly?"

"My dad had business to take care of with an investor here, and he let me tag along to help him." Tommy explained.
"Oh, okay. I hope everything works out well." Oliver said.
"Thanks." Tommy replied, "Well, I need to go. I'll talk to you later, Ollie."
"Alright, man. Bye."

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