viii. favorite color

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"A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That's why they don't
get what they want."
Olivarry date continuation

were obsessed with Star Labs?"

"Yeah, I was fascinated by the place up until the very end of it." Barry said, playing with the chopsticks in his hand as he talked.
"What happened to it, anyway?" Oliver asked curiously.

"The company was working on a particle accelerator, which everyone thought was going to change the world for the better. Anyway, during the testing stages of it being built, apparently something happened and the whole machine broke. It was deemed unfixable and Dr. Harrison Wells' life's work was said to be destroyed. Later the next week, Wells was said to be found dead in his home. He killed himself and apparently in his suicide note, he got his second in command to shut everything down." Barry explained, sounding as if he didn't believe what he was saying at the end.

"And you don't believe that he's dead?" Oliver questioned, hearing Barry's tone of voice.
"I know what happened was devastating for him, but yeah. I truly don't believe he's dead." Barry said, speaking his mind.
"Why?" Oliver asked, getting more comfortable on the couch.

"I grew up studying him and his work. I practically worshipped the man. He was way too determined to make his dream a reality to give up on life just because a machine couldn't be fixed. The Dr. Wells that I saw, would've tried again with something different." Barry said, moving his arms for emphasis
as he spoke.

"Sometimes you don't know how someone's life really is, Barry." Oliver said.
"I know that, but after wanting to be Wells for so long, I learned how he was and how he lived his life. He wouldn't kill himself." Barry said.

"So what do you think he's doing now?" Oliver asked.
"Hiding and working." Barry said simply, eating some of the food from the container
that he was holding.
"Hiding from what?" Oliver questioned.
"Well if I faked my death, I would be hiding. Wouldn't you?" Barry said.
"Good point." Oliver shrugged.

"Do you know anyone else who believes he's alive?" Oliver questioned.
"Not personally, no." Barry said sadly, "I told Joe and Iris about the whole conspiracy but they both turned it down and told me it was crazy and wasn't possible."

"What about your parents?" Oliver asked.
"They don't believe it either. I didn't try to convince them after I failed to with Iris and Joe." Barry shrugged.

"In my opinion, it's not insane to think. I mean, I didn't know or ever see the man but if you believe he's alive, I'm willing to see it as a possibility." Oliver said, "You're a smart guy. In most areas of life, you think differently and more logically than most people in the world. I trust your thought process."
"Thank you." Barry smiled, "That's probably the nicest thing someone has done and
said to me in a while."


"What's your favorite color?" Oliver asked upon his quick return from the bathroom.
"Red. Why?" Barry asked confused, looking away from the television that
was barely audible and turned to
Oliver instead.
"I told you that wanna know you." Oliver said, sitting back down, closer to Barry than before, their knees almost touching from how they were both sitting sideways facing each other.

"I wanna know you too." Barry smiled, looking down and playing with his hands.
"You do that when you get nervous." Oliver said, pointing out what Barry was doing.
"You sometimes rub the back of your neck were you're nervous. Plus, I'm not nervous." Barry said, blushing at how Oliver noticed
something he does sometimes.
"Yeah, you are." Oliver said, putting his hand on top of Barry's.

"How would you know that?" Barry said, looking Oliver in the eyes.
"Because I am too." Oliver said, looking down at their touching hands.
"Why?" Barry asked, his head tilting
sideways a bit.
"There's something I really want to do." Oliver said, looking up at Barry and moved to hold Barry's hand.
Barry caught on to what Oliver was wanting, scooted a little closer to Oliver, smirked and said "Then do it."

Oliver smiled at Barry's smirk, reached his hand up to Barrys face to touch his cheek, and leaned in to kiss his lips slowly.
The kiss was slow and sweet, exactly what the two wanted.

When the two opened their eyes, Barry said "That was..."
"Amazing." Oliver cut in.
Barry nodded and pecked Oliver on the cheek.

"I never asked you back. What's your favorite color?" Barry asked.
Oliver chuckled and said "Green."


"Do you work weekends?" Oliver asked.
"Only when they need me." Barry said, "Do you?"
"Seems like we're in the same boat." Oliver replied.

"I remember you told me you had a sister. What's her name?" Barry asked, getting more comfortable.
"Thea." Oliver said simply.

"What does she do for a living?" Barry asked, now leaning against the arm of the couch and his legs draped over Oliver.
"She owns a night club in Star City called Verdant." Oliver said, propping his feet on the coffee table.
"That's really cool!" Barry said excitedly.
"The place is amazing. I'll take you sometime." Oliver smiled.

"Ooo, so you're already planning on hanging out with me again?" Barry asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Hanging out, taking you out, yeah. I am." Oliver smirked but busted out in laughter when he noticed what Barry was doing.
"What?" Barry questioned, stopping what he was doing.
"I'm sorry. It's just you wiggling your eyebrows was funny." Oliver said, trying to stop laughing.

"You bully." Barry joked, crossing his arms like a child.
"Am not." Oliver said.
"Are too." Barry said, struggling to keep up the angry act and almost laughing.

"Okay, you obviously hate me now. So, I'll leave." Oliver said sarcastically, keeping up the joke by scooting Barry's legs off of himself and standing up.
"W-wait." Barry said, laughing and grabbing Oliver's hand to stop him, "Don't go."
"I wasn't actually going to." Oliver chuckled, sitting back down.

"Do you wanna go somewhere with me tomorrow?" Barry asked.
"Where to?" Oliver questioned curiously.
"Wanna go bowling?" Barry asked.
"Uh, yes. I love bowling." Oliver said, in
a 'duh' tone.

"What time do you wanna go?" Barry asked.
"Does 6:30pm sound good?" Oliver suggested.
"I'm good with that." Barry nodded.
"Good." Oliver smiled.

"Speaking of times, what time is it now?" Oliver asked, seeing as his phone was sitting on the kitchen counter and his watch was on the nightstand by his bed.
"It's.... almost 11pm." Barry said looking at his watch, "Dang. I didn't realize how late
it was getting."

"I should probably head out." Oliver said.
"Did you drive or walk here?" Barry questioned.
"It wasn't far so I walked, why?" Oliver said, confused.
"The streets get bad at night. It's not that safe." Barry said.
"Barry, I know how to defend myself." Oliver said.
"I know you do. You wouldn't have the job you do if you didn't. I'm just saying, I don't want you to go out there without your gun atleast." Barry said.
"Who said I didn't have my gun?" Oliver questioned.
"I would've noticed it and I haven't." Barry deadpanned.

"Fine. What do you want me to do then?" Oliver questioned Barry.
"Stay here." Barry said, but seeing Oliver and his questioning eyes, he added, "I have a
guest room."
"Fine. If it'll make you feel better, I'll stay." Oliver said, putting his hands in surrender.

"Guest room is at the end of the hall. You can steal some of my clothes in sleep in." Barry said, standing up.
"Thanks." Oliver smiled, standing up also.
"Goodnight, Oliver." Barry said, moving to kiss his cheek.
"Goodnight, Barry." Oliver said, turning his head so that Barry would kiss his lips instead.

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