x. calm down

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"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people with forget what you did, but people will never forget how you
made them feel."
-Maya Angelou

Joe?" Oliver asked upon arriving to
the crime scene.

"Another dead girl." Joe said plainly.
"Well, yeah." Oliver said, rolling his eyes.
"I don't have details. Barry isn't here yet." Joe shrugged, "All I know is that there's another new yellow spray-painted star."

"I'm guessing that's his little signature." Oliver said, looking at the yellow star.
"Guess so." Joe said, "But the question is, who is it and why."
"Well, that's our job to find it out." Oliver said, patting Joe's shoulder before walking away to look around.

"What's your M.O.?" Oliver sighed and asked himself out loud.
"The last victim was a former employee of Star Labs and was killed here in the building, maybe this one is the same." A voice behind Oliver said.
"What?" Oliver questioned, turning around confused because he didn't know
anyone heard him.

"I said—" the voice from before started, turning out to be a woman.
"No, no, no. I heard you. I just didn't know you heard me." Oliver clarified.
"Oh. I'm Detective Phoebe Jones." The woman introduced herself.
"Detective Oliver Queen. Nice to meet you." Oliver introduced back.
"Likewise." Phoebe smiled.

"So what did you mean before; about the other victim?" Oliver questioned.
"You read the report, didn't you?" Phoebe asked.
"I did. She used to work here, before it shut down." Oliver nodded.
"Yeah, and these killings seem sort of like vengeance kills, don't they?" Phoebe queried.
"They do..." Oliver muttered. Then, as if a lightbulb went off in Oliver's brain, he quietly gasped and said, "Oh my God."

"I need to go. I'm so sorr—" Oliver started to say but stopped when he realized
Phoebe was gone.
He shook it off and ran to Joe.

"Joe! Where's Barry?" Oliver asked quickly.
"He just texted me and said he'll be here in two minutes. Why?" Joe said, putting his phone back in his pocket.
"I need to talk to him. Thank you." Oliver rushed and sprinted to the front of the building  to wait for Barry's arrival.

Oliver was standing outside, tapping his foot impatiently on the ground.
He looked up and saw Barry walking
towards him.
"Barry! Hi. I need to talk to you. It's important." Oliver said, grabbing Barry's arm to get him to follow him so they would be farther away from the people standing guard.
"What's wrong? You seem...off." Barry asked once Oliver let go and they stopped walking.

"I think Dr. Wells is actually alive." Oliver deadpanned.
"Why? What happened now?" Barry questioned, confusion in his voice.
"I was talking with a detective and she said the murders seem vengeful, and the first one was a former Star Labs employee. The second one might be too. And the only person I think could be killing Star Labs employees, is the
owner and creator himself. They sort of were a part of the destruction of his lifetime dream." Oliver explained, keeping his voice down.

"Oliver, I mean, it would make sense. But we don't even know if Wells is alive for certain. I believe that he is, but no one else seems to. If you go around telling people who you think the killer is without any hard evidence of the such, no one is gonna believe you." Barry
said truthfully.
"I know, I know. But he fits our situation like a glove, we just have to find a way to prove that it's him." Oliver said, clearly frustrated.
"Hey, we'll figure out the truth. I promise." Barry said, putting his hand on
Oliver's shoulder.

"What if we can't? What if if it isn't even him? What if—" Oliver asked, seeming to
be freaking out.
"Oliver." Barry said to stop him, and putting his hands on Oliver's cheeks, "We will figure it out. Okay?"
"Okay." Oliver said, relaxing due
to Barry's touch.

"Now, come on. We have work to do and I'm not trying to get fired." Barry said, moving away from Oliver so that they
could walk inside.


"This body has the same exact injuries as the last body." Barry said in a slightly
surprised tone.
"Seriously? Everything is the same?" Oliver asked with disbelief.
"Yeah, the trauma on the left side of the head, the broken arm, the postmortem slices, the gunshot wound. It's all the same, except for  the bullet exited this body." Barry nodded.

"Alright." Oliver sighed, turned away and rubbed his face in frustration.
"Oliver." Barry called over to him.
Oliver turned to Barry and raised his eyebrows in question.
"Calm down." Barry whispered.
"I am calm." Oliver said, crossing his arms
over his chest.
"No, you're not. Joe can tell something is bothering you. He walked away for a reason. Now, calm the hell down. I told you we will figure it out. It's just going to take some time." Barry fussed as he took his gloves off and walked closer to Oliver.
"Fine. Okay." Oliver sighed, putting his hands up in surrender.


"Is everything alright? You look a little tense." Joe asked Oliver after their silent ride
to the precinct.
"Huh? Yeah, I'm good." Oliver said, shrugging off the comment, and got out of the car.
"If you say so." Joe muttered, getting out too.


"So, who's the victim?" Oliver asked Barry once he walked into his lab.
"Her name was Lucy Walker." Barry said, reading if off the report.
"Did she work at Star Labs?" Oliver questioned.
"Mmhm." Barry nodded.
"Crap." Oliver said, rubbing the back
of his neck.

"Ollie, that doesn't mean it's him." Barry said.
"It could be, though." Oliver sighed, plopping down into Barry's empty chair and putting his head on the desk.
"Yeah, it could be. It could be Harrison Wells, whom everyone, besides us, thinks is dead. Or it could be someone who just has a grudge against the Star Labs employees. We don't know yet." Barry said, moving to sit on top of his desk, and started playing with Oliver's hair.
"I could just be losing my mind." Oliver mumbled.

"Well, if that's why you're losing your mind, then so am I." Barry said, lightly patting the back of Oliver's head and hopping
off the desk.
"Oh, goodie." Oliver said sarcastically, picking his head up.

"Have you found anything on who the killer might be?" Joe asked, walking in the lab.
"Well, hello to you too." Barry joked.
"Hi Barry. Now, have you found anything on who the killer might be?" Joe asked.
"No, Joe, not yet. Whoever the killer is, they're really good." Barry said.
"How so?" Joe questioned.
"No fingerprints, no nothing. He doesn't even leave a trace." Barry said.

"He'll slip up somewhere. We just have to find out where. Hopefully sooner than later." Joe sighed, "Now, you two go home. It's
getting late."
"What time is it?" Oliver asked, moving to stand up.
"Almost 9:30pm." Joe said, walking towards the door, "Goodnight guys."

Oliver walked over in front of the desk and suddenly started to feeling extremely dizzy.
"Barry..?" Oliver said, unsurely.
"Woah, Oliver. What's wrong?" Barry questioned, catching him before he fell over.
"I think I'm gonna pass—" Oliver said before passing out and going completely limp in Barry's arms.

"Joe!" Barry called out since he barely
left the room.
"What's wr— Oh my God. What happened?" Joe frantically asked, running to help Barry safely set Oliver on the ground.
"I don't know. He was perfectly fine and then he stood up and fainted!" Barry said, starting to stress out.

"Okay, Barr, we're gonna get him to the hospital. Calm down." Joe said, already on the phone with the paramedics.

Believe (Olivarry AU) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now