xvii. lost

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"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt

over you?" Iris asked when she opened the front door of Benjamin's house after hearing frantic knocking.

"Oliver's." Barry said, walking pass her and into the huge kitchen sink to wash his hands.
"What happened?" Iris asked, eyes wide.
"He got shot." Barry sniffled, but no tears were showing as he harshly scrubbed his hands and and just slightly up his arms, "Paramedics wouldn't let me ride with him to the hospital and Ben's house is right near the precinct so I walked here instead of going back there."

"Barry." Iris said, grabbing Barry's hand to get him to stop, "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." Barry said, looking in the direction away from Iris.

"Here." Iris said, grabbing Barry a hand towel to dry his hands off with.
"Come on." She said, putting the towel on the counter, and grabbing Barry's hand to guide him to the couch in the living room.

Barry silently sat down, avoiding eye contact with Iris. She said nothing, and sat down beside him and held him.
This made tears finally start flowing down his face as he cuddled closer to Iris, hiding his face.

"Iris? Who was at the door?" Benjamin asked, walking into the room before seeing Barry.
"Oh." He said, sitting on the coffee table in front of Iris.

Barry moved to look at Ben.
"Hey, man." Benjamin smiled lightly, as a way of being nice.
"Hey." Barry said, his voice low.

"Oliver's in the hospital." Barry told him.
"What? Why?" Benjamin stood up, concern plastered all over him.
"He was shot. Right as the ambulance showed up, I was sitting there with him to keep him awake and he just... fell asleep and I haven't gotten to see him since." Barry sniffled, tears welled up in his eyes again as he sat up.

"You did your best, Barry. He doesn't have to stay awake, it was just best for him if he did." Benjamin said, "He's in good hands. Plus,
Ollie is tough."

"You guys wanna go head to the hospital?" Iris asked, standing up to leave.
"Yeah." The boys both said.


"Hey dad." Barry spoke into the phone.
"What's up, slugger?" Henry questioned.
"Where are you right now?" Barry asked.
"Hospital break room. Why?"

"Oliver's there and I was wondering if you could check up on him. I'm walking in the building now." Barry said.
"Yeah, I'll meet you in the waiting room in a few minutes."

"Thanks dad." He said, hanging up the phone as he sat down in the waiting room with Iris and Benjamin.

"Barry?" Henry questioned to get his attention once he saw his son.

Barry quickly jumped up and went over to him. Iris and Benjamin following slightly behind.

"He's in surgery right now. The bullet just barely missed the important stuff." Henry spoke, "He's gonna be just fine."

"Oh, thank God." Barry said, letting go of a breath he didn't know he was holding.
Barry then hugged his dad tightly and he said, "Surgery is going to take a little while longer. Then he's gonna be asleep for awhile. So, go home and chill out. I'll call you when
he wakes up."

"Thank you, dad." Barry said as he
let go of the hug.
"Anytime, slugger." Henry smiled.


In the time that he was waiting, Barry had gone back to work to grab a few items that
he left there.
He ended up staying in his lab, as a way of keeping himself distracted and pass the time.

Barry was looking at the string of murder cases that had been happening ever since Oliver came to town.
He was happy that it was over, but also disappointed because he really did think it was possibly Dr. Wells, the whole time.
Even, to a point, Oliver was convinced
of the same.

Barry was beginning to question his whole Harrison Wells conspiracy theory. Although he believed that it made complete sense, it was all thrown like a curveball in a baseball game when it turned out that Detective Gates was the culprit the whole time.

Barry had a whole board dedicated to the theory, hidden behind his actual work.
From details, possible sightings of the man, ideas, questions, there was everything on that board. And Barry has been the only
person to ever see it.

In frustration, Barry reached to pull everything down, but just as he moved his arm up to do so, his phone rang.

"Hey dad." Barry sighed.
"He's awake." Henry simply said.

"I'm on my way." He said, hanging up and running out of the building.


"Hey Barry." Oliver smiled at him, looking groggy since he just woke up not
too long ago.
"Hey Ollie." Barry said, giving him a small smile as he sat down in the chair beside Oliver's hospital bed.

"How're you feeling?" Barry asked, grabbing Oliver's hand that nudged his arm.
"Better now that you're here." Oliver said.
"Stop joking around." Barry chuckled.

"Seriously, how do you feel?" He asked, rubbing Oliver's hand.
"They gave me pain meds so I'm not in pain at the moment. They didn't give me too much, though, since I asked them not to. I have a pretty high pain tolerance." Oliver said, "In all honesty, it's like an itch that you can't scratch."

Barry said nothing, he just gave him a small smile and squeezed his hand tighter.

"What is it, Barr?" Oliver asked, noticing that Barry seemed a little off.
"Nothing." Barry shook his head, avoiding
eye contact.
"Tell me." Oliver said softly.
Barry looked back over at Oliver with tears
in my eyes and said, "I thought I
might've lost you."

"Barry," Oliver said in a saddened tone, "you can't get rid of me that easily.", he added with a slight chuckle causing Barry to smile.

"Don't go crying on me now, I don't like seeing you cry." Oliver said, moving his hand
up to Barry's face.
"Sorry." Barry whispered.
"Come here." Oliver said.

Barry stood up and hugged Oliver. Oliver
held onto him tightly.
"See? I'm right here." He consoled him, "I'm not going anywhere."

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