ii. coffee

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"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."
-Barack Obama

leaving us, Queen. We're all going to miss you."

"Honestly, I can't believe it either. I'm gonna miss you guys too." Oliver spun in his chair to look at his fellow police officer friends.

"Why do you even want to transfer to Central City, anyway?" One of the officers asked.
"Everything seems so much more bright and nice over there. I want to experience that, and I also want to see some of those metahumans in person." Oliver shrugged.

"Metahumans? That's why you want to leave?" an officer asked, "Those people will get you killed, Oliver."

"I know how to protect myself, and if there's something extra I need to learn over there, I will, and plus, that's not the reason. It's just an added bonus." Oliver said, turning back to the few papers left on his desk.


It was the end of the day and Oliver was ecstatic to leave, knowing he was leaving for Central City tonight.

"I'm going to miss you guys." Oliver said to his family before getting into his car.
"We're gonna miss you too." Thea said.

"Come on, group hug." Moira said, pulling her family into a big hug.
"I love you all." Oliver smiled contently.
Oliver then heard a course of 'I love you too's.


"What about love?!
Don't you want someone to care about you!?
What about love?!
Don't let it slip away!
What about love?!
I only want to share it with you!"
Oliver joked around and sang passionately while driving, laughing at his own childishness.

Minutes later, Oliver's phone rang at around 6pm while he was stopped for some dinner.
Currently, he was two hours into his five-hour drive.

"Hello, is this Oliver Queen?"

"It is, who is this?" Oliver asked.
"I'm sorry. This is Captain Singh speaking." the other person on the phone said.

"Oh! Captain Singh. How may I help you?" Oliver asked, surprised.
"I just wanted to inform you that I won't be able to be there tomorrow for your first day. When you get there, ask for Detective Joe West. He's one of best and most experienced detectives. He's also going to be your partner." Singh explained.

"Yes, sir. Joe West. I got it." Oliver nodded, although Singh couldn't see him.
"I wish you luck tomorrow." Singh said.
"Thank you, sir." Oliver said.


"Hey, Ben!" Oliver said once his
friend opened the door.
"Oliver, hey man! You finally made it!" Benjamin hugged Oliver tightly.

"It's been forever, man." Oliver sighed contently.
"It really has. You staying in Star City and all." Benjamin said, moving out of the hug.

"Hey, you're the one who moved away." Oliver chuckled, pointing his pointer finger at Benjamin.
"Touché" Benjamin laughed,
"Well, come on in."

Once Oliver walked in Benjamin's house, he said, "Thanks for letting me stay here for a little while, Ben. I really appreciate it."

"Of course, Ollie. You helped me out back in the day, so it's about time I repay the favor." Benjamin smiled, leading Oliver to
the guest room, "Here's where you
will be living."
"Cozy." Oliver laughed.

"Do you wanna go get some coffee? You need to try Jitters. It's amazing." Benjamin asked, over emphasizing his explanation.
"Sure." Oliver chuckled, "I will need a place to get some coffee in the morning."


"So, what've you been up to since you left for college?" Oliver asked Benjamin, who was sitting across from him at their table, waiting for their coffee.
"I actually finished law school a few years ago and I'm now, I would say, a...
highly respected lawyer." Benjamin said, "People seem to be scared of me in the courtroom."

"I guess that just means you're doing your job right, and that's important." Oliver lightly chuckled, the moment their coffee came.

"Okay, taste it. I wanna watch your mind explode." Benjamin chuckled, staring at Oliver waiting on him to try the coffee.
"My mind explode? Hopefully in a good way." Oliver said, chuckling also.
"Oh, yeah. Definitely a good way. This stuff is amazing." Benjamin said.

Oliver took a sip of the steaming hot
brown liquid.
"Okay, this is really good." Oliver smiled.
"I told you!" Benjamin grinned, sitting up in his chair a little.

"So, Oliver, tell me about what you've been up to since I last saw you 9 years ago." Benjamin said, settling back down into his chair.
"Well, as you know, I became a detective, and honestly that's about it." Oliver shrugged.

"What? No juicy relationships?" Benjamin asked shocked.
"No, nothing serious. They were just hookups." Oliver said,
"What about you, Mr. HighSchool Player?"

"I actually met someone. We've been together for a little over 4 years now." Benjamin smiled.
"Really? What's her name?" Oliver asked, taking a sip of his coffee.
"Iris. Iris West." Benjamin said, "She works here part-time."

Oliver almost choked on his coffee.
"Does her dad happen to be a detective at CCPD?" Oliver asked.
"Yeah, have you met him?" Benjamin asked confused.

"No, but I will tomorrow. He's gonna be my new partner." Oliver told his friend.
"He's a great man. I think you two will be a good duo." Benjamin said.
"I hope so." Oliver said, shaking his head nervously.


"I don't get why you're so nervous. You'll do great." Benjamin said, clapping his hand on his friend's shoulder comfortingly.
"Ben, I've wanted to work at CCPD for forever now. I don't wanna screw anything up." Oliver said, now sitting on a stool at Benjamin's kitchen island.
"You won't screw it up, man. Out of everyone at SCPD, Lance picked you to moved over here. I know he wouldn't have done it to just get rid of you." Benjamin said, sitting on top of the kitchen counter.

"I'm just saying, I don't think you have any reason to be nervous so calm yourself." Benjamin said.
"Thanks, man." Oliver gave him a small smile.
"No problem, bro." Benjamin smiled, "I'll just say, if you're gonna be nervous, don't show it too much tomorrow."
"Will do." Oliver said, standing up.

"Okay, well, I'm gonna head to bed. Goodnight dude." Oliver said.
"Night bro." Benjamin said, hopping off the counter.

Believe (Olivarry AU) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now