vii. address

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"The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones
worth suffering for."
-Bob Marley

get you something. He also said that you better eat all of it." Oliver said, holding out a
bag of food to him.

"Thanks." Joe smiled, taking the bag, "Where is he, anyway? I thought he was with you."

"He said he needed to stop by somewhere before he came back here. He didn't give details. He just sorta ran off." Oliver said, shrugging.
"Sounds like Barry." Joe chuckled, "That boy is always running somewhere, and it's usually to get to work on time."

"I have noticed him not showing up at the same time as us." Oliver thought out loud.
"Yeah, I'm surprised Singh hasn't got
him for it yet." Joe said, eating
some of the food.

"Why do you think he hasn't?" Oliver asked, sitting down in his desk chair.
"We need him. He's the best CSI in the area. Also, he's the only real one we got." Joe said.
"Makes sense." Oliver shrugged, moving to start looking at paperwork, just as his phone started ringing.

Glancing down, Oliver saw that it was
his mom calling.
"Hello?" Oliver questioned as he put his phone to his ear.
"Oliver." Moira said.
"Mother." Oliver said back.

"How are you?" Moira asked.
"I'm good. How are you?" Oliver responded, playing with the pen in his hand as they spoke to one another.
"I'm okay. How's your life in Central City so far?" Moira asked.

"It's been great, really. I love it here." Oliver smiled.
"That's great to hear! Your father and I miss you so much already." Moira said.
"I miss you both too. Maybe you two can visit once I get my own place." Oliver said.

"You don't have your own place yet? Do you need mon—" Moira started to ask.
"No, mom. I don't need money. I got it handled." Oliver said, rubbing his forehead in annoyance.

"Okay, Oliver. Are you sure you don't need any? You know we have plenty." Moira asked.
"Yes, mother, I'm sure. I've told you and dad multiple times that I don't need your money. I'm making my own. I got this." Oliver said.

"Okay. Well, I need to go. I have a meeting to attend." Moira said, "Bye, I love you."
"Love you too, mom." Oliver said, hanging up the phone and slamming his head against the desk a bit too hard.

"Ouch." Oliver groaned, picking his head up to rub the spot where he hurt it.
"You okay over there?" Joe asked.

"Yeah. My mom just frustrates me a little." Oliver said, actually looking at the paperwork from earlier.
"A little?" Joe questioned, referring to how Oliver slammed his head on the table once he hung up the phone, "I'm sure she just wants you to have the best things in your life."

"I know she does. I just want to don't like getting babied anymore. That stopped the day I got my first job." Oliver said truthfully.
"All parents want to always baby their children. Even when they're grown." Joe shrugged.


"Hey, Oliver!" Barry said, running up to him as Oliver stepped into the elevator.
"Barry?" Oliver questioned, holding the door so he could get in the elevator too.
"I have a question." Barry said, making it inside and pressing the floor they
needed to go to.

"Okay..." Oliver said, signaling for Barry to continue.
"Do you wanna just come to my apartment and get som takeout delivered tonight? It sounds fun." Barry asked, playing with his hands as he talked.
"We haven't even had a first date yet and you're already trying to take me home? Oh, Barry Allen." Oliver joked and smirked.

"I didn't mean it like that, idiot." Barry said, rolling his eyes.
"I know what you meant." Oliver chuckled, "Sure. Sounds great."

"Great." Barry grinned, "I'll text you my address later."
"Okay, don't forget." Oliver pointed at Barry as he walked backwards out of the elevator.
"I might. You're probably gonna have to remind me." Barry said, following Oliver.

"Do you have a pen?" Oliver said, walking closer to Barry, seeing as they had a bit of distance between them.
"Yeah, why?" Barry asked, pulling the pen out for Oliver to take.

"Write your address." Oliver said, holding out his arm instead of grabbing the pen.
"Oh." Barry smiled and wrote it down, "There."
"I'll see you at seven." Oliver smiled,
walking away.


Oliver was nervous to say the least, and he was usually not an anxious person.
He just guessed he was nervous because he genuinely liked Barry. He's an amazing person and, in Oliver's opinion, adorable.

When Oliver made it to the door of Barry's apartment, he looked at his arm again to make sure he was at the right door.
Finally, he knocked.

"One second!" Oliver heard Barry yell from inside the home.
"Hey." Barry smiled once he opened the door.
"Hey." Oliver smiled back.
"Come on in." Barry said, stepping out of the way.

"I ordered the food pretty much right before you knocked. I didn't want it to get cold." Barry said, closing the door and nervously played with his hands.
"It's okay, but you know there's something called a microwave, right?" Oliver chuckled, trying to cut the bit of tension that was there.
Barry laughed, "Yeah, I know. They suck though."

"You know what else sucks?" Oliver smirked.
"Vacuums?" Barry asked, cheeks heating up a bit, thinking about how what Oliver said was a bit dirty.
"Yeah, exactly. What else would I be talking about?" Oliver smiled cheekily.
Barry laughed and rolled his eyes.

"Do you like whiskey?" Barry asked.
"I love it." Oliver said, licking his lips.
"Want some?" Barry asked, already walking towards the kitchen, knowing his answer.
"Yes, please." Oliver said, following Barry.

"Tell me more about yourself. All I know is that you're a detective, you're from Star City, your parents are over-protective, and your name is Oliver Queen." Barry said, listing on the
things he knew.

"My middle name is Jonas. My birthday is May 16th. Oh, and I have a younger sister." Oliver said, listing simple things, "Your turn."

"Barry is just a nickname, my first name is actually Bartholomew. My middle name Henry,  after my dad. I'm an only child and my birthday is March 14th." Barry said, handing a drink to Oliver.
"Thanks." Oliver said, gladly taking the glass. "Bartholomew, huh?"

"Don't. Just don't." Barry shook his head and took a swig of the brown liquid.
"I like it. It's... unique." Oliver said, smiling.
"Ha ha. Very funny." Barry said sarcastically but in the end actually started to laugh.

After some time of the two sitting and talking on the couch, someone knocked on the door.
"I'll get it." Oliver said, standing up.
"No, I got it. Sit back down." Barry said, standing up also.

"Barry, seriously. I got it. Its the food. Sit." Oliver said, lightly pushing Barry down to make him sit.
"Fine." Barry said, sitting and crossing
his arms.
"You're such a baby." Oliver chuckled, walking towards the door.

"Food for Barry?" a teenager in a Chinese restaurant hat asked.
"How much?" Oliver asked.
"$15." The kid said, handing Oliver the
bags of food.
"Keep the change." Oliver said, handing him a twenty, "Have a good night."
"You too." The kid said before Oliver closed
the door.

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