xiv. superhero

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"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love for what you are doing or learning to do."

okay!" Barry said, running up to hug
him tightly.

"Yeah, me too." Oliver laughed dryly,
hugging Barry just as tight, kissing his
clothed shoulder.
"How did you know something was up
with him?" Barry whispered.
"I'm good at reading people. I can usually tell a lot about a person just by looking at them."  Oliver said, pulling out of the hug.

"What could you tell about me when you first saw me?" Barry questioned, his head tilted to the side a bit.
"That's the thing, Barry Allen. For some reason I couldn't read you, and that made you extremely intriguing to me." Oliver explained.

"You know, what you did was very badass." Barry said, wrapping his arms loosely around Oliver's neck.
"I was just doing my job, Barr." Oliver said, looking Barry straight in the eyes.
"I know. You're really amazing at it." Barry said, "Just think about it. You did all of that just by talking him down, and yes you did threaten him with your gun, but you didn't use it and I know you weren't planning on it. You managed to make sure everyone came out alive in the end."

Oliver gave Barry a small smile and kissed him.
"You wanna know something?" Oliver asked against Barry's lips.
"Sure." Barry said, pulling away and moving his arms back to his sides.
"It's only been a week but I feel like I've
known you forever." Oliver said, rubbing his thumb against Barry's jawline.
"I know exactly what you mean." Barry smiled.

"Barry!" Someone yelled through the commotion.
"Joe?" Barry questioned when he saw him and Iris walking towards them.
"Are you alright?" Joe questioned.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Oliver had it handled." Barry nodded.

"Iris." Barry said, hugging the girl.
"That was terrifying." Iris whispered to him.
"I'm glad today was your day to work in the back." Barry sighed, comfortingly
rubbing Iris' back.
"I know, right? I really feel bad for Maggie though. I'm pretty certain having a gun pointed at you is insanely terrifying." Iris responded.
"Where is she now?" Barry asked, as they unwrapped from their hug.
"Talking to an officer." Iris said.

"Joe, what happened? That respond time was terrible. Someone could've died." Oliver questioned, trying to keep his voice low.
"We got the call but when we tried getting close to the building, it was like there was some kind of force field blocking us from getting closer." Joe said, "I don't know how it happened, but I guess when you got the guy to the floor, we could move in."

"What? That makes no sen—" Oliver cut himself short, "Oh, crap. That guy's a meta."
"A metahuman? How?" Barry questioned.
"Force field? No one in their right mind
thinks that's normal." Oliver said,
"Where's the guy?"
"He's being taken to the precinct right now." Joe responded.
"Well, go warn them." Oliver basically ordered.


"We're glad you caught that guy when you did, Oliver. Twice." Joe said, patting Oliver's shoulder.
"Just doing my job, Joe." Oliver shrugged, looking around the precinct.

"I've realized you say that a lot." Joe
pointed out.
"I don't really enjoy being complimented. In any way honestly. It makes me feel weird and I don't ever know how to respond." Oliver said, looking over at Joe.
"That's understandable, but sometimes you can just say thanks." Joe chuckled, "Well, I gotta run. Singh came back early."

Oliver decided to sit down at his desk and take a breather. He rubbed his eyes and when he opened them back up, he saw someone standing by his desk.

"Phoebe. Hey." Oliver smiled.
"Hey, Oliver. How's it going?" Phoebe questioned.
"It's good, I'm good. How about yourself?" Oliver asked nicely.
"You sure you're good? I heard about what happened at Jitters." Phoebe said, sitting on top of Oliver's desk.
"I'm fine. Really." Oliver replied, sitting up higher in his chair.

"You can call me nosy, but I can tell you're not." Phoebe said, picking up a pen play with while they talked.
"Okay, fine. You caught me. I'm stressed out and pissed off." Oliver said, running his hand over his face.
"I'm guessing you're mad because the other officers didn't show up until you already caught the guy?" Phoebe questioned.
"Yeah, but I know that it wasn't their fault. They couldn't get to us." Oliver said.

"What makes you think that?" Phoebe queried.
"What are you talking about?" Oliver questioned, confused.
"What makes you think they could get there sooner? There's no proof."Phoebe asked.
"Joe told me, and I trust what he says." Oliver said a bit angrily.

"Okay, well, for the future, you can talk to me. I can be like your therapist." Phoebe suggested, changing the subject.
"Thank you, but I don't need a therapist." Oliver said.
"Don't you?" Phoebe questioned.
Oliver closed his eyes tightly and took a deep breath before he snapped on the lady.
"Listen h—" Oliver started but stopped once he realized Phoebe had disappeared.

Oliver decided to not question it and got up and left the precinct without saying a word to anyone. He looked pissed off so no one decided to go and talk to him before he left.


Oliver stomped into Benjamin's house, basically fuming at this point, seeing as he had time to think as he walked.

"Woah, man. What's wrong?" Benjamin asked worriedly, stopping Oliver by stepping in front of him.
"Please, Ben, not right now." Oliver said.
"Tell me what's up. You look like you're about to explode." Benjamin said, standing
his ground.
"Someone at work pissed me off." Oliver shortly explained, "Can I please go now?"

"Who was it?" Benjamin asked.
Oliver sighed, calming down and said, "It doesn't matter, Ben."

"It obviously does matter." Benjamin
replied, "Was it Barry?"
"No, I haven't even seen him since we left Jitters." Oliver said.

"Iris told me what happened there. Said you saved the day." Benjamin slightly smiled.
"I'm no superhero, Ben. I didn't 'save the day.'" Oliver shrugged.
"She said that in everyone's eyes there, they thought you were their superhero." Benjamin said, "To me, that sounds pretty great."

"Thanks." Oliver said, thinking about his previous conversation with Joe about just taking compliments.
Benjamin just smiled and patted Oliver's shoulder before walking into the kitchen.

"Oh... hey Benji. We have something to talk about." Oliver said seriously, following Benjamin in the kitchen and sat down on a stool at the island.
"About...?" Benjamin questioned with furrowed eyebrows.
"Iris." Oliver said, setting his hands on top of the table.
"What about my wonderful girlfriend?" Benjamin asked, sitting on top of the counter.
Oliver gave him a 'you know exactly what I'm talking about' look.

"She told you?!" Benjamin questioned.
"Mmhm." Oliver nodded.
"Man, I was gonna tell you. I wanted to be the one to tell you." Benjamin pouted.
"Oh, stop being a baby. That's your kid's job." Oliver laughed, pointing a finger at Ben.
"That's a weird sentence to hear." Benjamin chuckled.

"Oh, and by the way, I'm moving out next week." Oliver said.
"Iris told me." Benjamin nodded.
"I'm pretty sure her helping me find a place to live was a polite way of her kicking me out of here. But I'll take it because it worked out nicely in the end." Oliver smiled.

Believe (Olivarry AU) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now