xi. there for you

624 28 3

"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working
together is success."
-Henry Ford

brought here." Barry said to the

"What's your relation?" The receptionist asked.
"I'm his... boyfriend." Barry said with a slight pause in his words.
"It's family only." The lady said.
"Ma'am, please." Barry pleaded.
"I'm sorry, sir." She replied, "You can write down your name here or can you please
go take a seat."

Barry was sitting in the busy waiting room for what he felt like was 2 years. In reality, it had only been an hour.
Then, as Barry was just about to drift to sleep in his chair, someone called his name. Turns out it was a doctor.

"Barry Allen?" The doctor questioned.
Barry jumped up and walked
over to him, "Dad?"
"Hey son, one of the nurses said your friend heard that you were here and he wants to see you." Henry Allen told his son.
"Thank you. I've been sitting there for forever." Barry sighed, walking alongside his dad on their way to Oliver's room.
"All I did was answer a request from a patient, and plus, it's after visiting hours." Henry chuckled, "Here's his room."
"Thanks dad." Barry smiled before walking through the door.

"Hey, Barry." Oliver croaked, sounding like he just woke up a few minutes ago.
"Hey, Ollie." Barry said, giving him a small smile before walking closer and sitting in the chair by the bed.
"Why are you here? It's late." Oliver asked.
"You scared me back there, I needed to know that you were alright." Barry paused, "What happened anyway?"

"They said I got really dehydrated. That's why I passed out." Oliver explained.
"Why'd you let yourself get so dehydrated, Oliver? Was it because you were stressed out?" Barry questioned.
"Yeah, this case has been really distracting me." Oliver said, shrugging.
"If you want, you got me. I can help remind you to do things humans need to do." Barry smiled.
"Thanks." Oliver chuckled, "I'll be there for you too, if you need me."

Barry smiled, and grabbed Oliver's hand and started rubbing circles on the it.
"I'm glad you're okay." Barry said.
"Me too." Oliver sighed contently.

"How long are they holding you here?" Barry asked.
"I don't really know. Only a nurse came in here and she didn't say much." Oliver shrugged.

"Want me to ask?" Barry questioned, letting go of Oliver's hand.
"No, I don't wanna trouble—" Oliver started.
"It's no trouble, really. All I'd have to do is ask, it's just my dad." Barry said.
"Huh?" Oliver asked confused.
"My dad, I told you he was a doctor. Turns out, you landed in his section here." Barry said.

"I remember." Oliver said, playing with his hands, "It's just not the first meeting I thought would happen."
"You've imagined meeting my parents? That's adorable." Barry smirked.
"It's just something I do." Oliver shrugged.
"I like it." Barry said, standing up so that he could lean closer and kiss Oliver.

"Well, hi there." A voice from behind Barry said, causing Barry to pull away from Oliver.
"Dad. Hi." Barry said, turning around, and awkwardly asking, "How's it going?"
"It's going." Henry said, clearing his throat, "Barry, could you step out please? I need to talk to Oliver, doctor to patient."
"Yeah, sure." Barry said, turning to whisper "good luck" to Oliver before leaving, and at the door he said, "Don't kill him, dad."

After Barry stepped out, Oliver spoke up, "You know, sir, I didn't expect to meet you for the first time like this."
"I didn't even know that he was seeing anyone." Henry replied.
"It's a new thing. Only been a few days, actually." Oliver said.
"Really? You two really seemed close." Henry pointed out.
"We do see each other all day." Oliver said.

"You work at CCPD?" Henry questioned.
"Yes, sir. I'm a detective. I transferred from Star City." Oliver explained.
"Nice." Henry nodded slowly, "I just wanna say that I can tell that Barry really likes you and it seems like you feel the same. So, please, don't hurt him. He's had a rough time over the past few years."
"You got it. I don't plan on hurting him." Oliver said.

"Okay good, well, I came in here to tell you that we need to keep you here overnight to make sure you're good. If so, you'll be able to go home early tomorrow morning."
"Okay, thank you." Oliver smiled.

"Have a nice night." Henry said, walking towards the door.
"You too." Oliver said.

As Henry left the room, he found his son sitting on the floor right beside the door, asleep.
Henry chuckled to himself and squatted down to shake Barry's shoulder.
"Barr, wake up." Henry said.
"Huh? What?" Barry questioned. He was very confused because he didn't remember
falling asleep.
"You need to go home." Henry told him, standing back up.

"What time is it?" Barry asked, yawning and standing up to stretch.
"Nearly 11pm." Henry replied, checking
his watch.
"Okay." Barry paused, "You didn't kill him,
did you?"
"No, he's very much alive." Henry said, rolling his eyes at Barry.
"Okay, well, I'm gonna head out soon. I'm just gonna say bye to Oliver." Barry said, "I'll see you tomorrow, dinner with you
and mom still?"

"Yeah, you can bring Oliver if you want." Henry suggested.
"Don't you think that's a little soon?" Barry asked.
"He's already met me. You already really like him. So, why not?" Henry asked.
"I'll ask him. But don't get offended if he doesn't want to come." Barry said.
"Okay, bye, love you." Henry said,
walking away.
"Love you too." Barry told him.

Then, Barry made his way back into
Oliver's room.
"Hey, Ollie?" Barry questioned, peeking in
the door.
"Yes?" Oliver chuckled.
"Hi." Barry smiled, walking in to get closer.
"Hey." Oliver paused, "It's late. You should go home and sleep. I get out tomorrow morning."
"I actually fell asleep in the hall." Barry chuckled, "My dad got me, though."

"Really?" Oliver laughed, "You should go."
"Wow. You really want me gone, don't you?" Barry joked, crossing his arms.
"It's not that, I just want you to get good sleep in your bed." Oliver defended.
"Okay, I'll head out. See you tomorrow?" Barry asked.
"Only if you want to." Oliver smiled.
"Alright." Barry chuckled, walking closer to the door, "bye."
"Bye." Oliver said.

Barry ended up closing the door then two seconds later, remembered something. So, he opened the door again.
"I forgot to ask something." Barry said, walking back in to stand by Oliver's bed again.
"Okay?" Oliver questioned, signaling for
him to continue.
"My dad invited you to have dinner with him and my mom tomorrow. You don't have to go if you don't want to. So....what do you say?" Barry asked.
"Sure." Oliver shrugged, "I already met your dad and I think he approved of me, so why not meet your mom too."

"Okay." Barry smiled, "If you change your mind, it won't hurt anyone's feelings, alright?"
"Okay." Oliver nodded.
"See you tomorrow, then. I'll pick you up. Ben's house isn't far from my parents, we can walk." Barry said.
"See you then." Oliver said.

As Barry was about to walk away, Oliver grabbed his hand to stop him
and pull him close.
"Your dad interrupted us earlier." Oliver said against Barry's lips.
Barry kissed back, then left
a few minutes later.

author's note
Hi! I'm sorry for the long
break I took.  I would like to
inform everyone who likes
this story and plans on keeping on
reading it, that I decided to
update once every Friday.
Enjoy your day! :)

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