xviii. dinner

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"Our actions are the results of our
intentions and our intelligence."
-E. Stanley Jones

6 months later

me!" Barry laughed and smiled at his, now official, boyfriend.

"Oh, come on. Don't ruin the fun." Oliver joked and fake-whined from his spot on the bed with Barry, in the apartment he got from Iris.
"I'm not. I am the fun." Barry smirked.

"Come on," Oliver chuckled, getting off the bed, "we gotta go to work."
"Fine." Barry pouted, standing up beside Oliver, "I'll be back in 15 minutes. Gotta go shower." He said, kissing Oliver before
walking away.

"You could shower here." Oliver smirked.
Barry stopped, "Not today.", then carried along on his way out the door.


"I'm back! You ready to—" Barry said, walking into Oliver bedroom to see him
putting his shoes on.
"Go?" Oliver finished his sentence since he stopped, "Yes, I am ready to go."

"You look amazing." Barry eyed him
up and down.
"Don't even get me started on how great you look." Oliver smiled, kissing Barry's lips.

"Plus, I look like this everyday." Oliver shrugged.
"You're pulling it off even better than yesterday, then." Barry smiled.

"Pulling it off? Don't mind if I do." Oliver smirked, and jokingly started to take
his jacket off.
"Maybe later." Barry said, stopping him, "We gotta go right now."


"Good morning, Joe." Oliver smiled nicely as he sat down at his desk.
"Right back at you." Joe responded, "What's got you in such a good mood?"
Oliver shrugged, "I don't know. It's just a
good day."

"What do we got today?" Oliver asked.
"Nothing yet. Today's gonna be a slow day, I can already tell." Joe said, flipping the page on his newspaper.

"Okay, well, I'm gonna go head by Jitters, you want anything?" Oliver asked, standing up.
"Another coffee would be nice." Joe said, finishing off the cup he already had.
"Sounds good." Oliver said, walking away.

"Barry?" Oliver called out into the lab.
"Yeah? What's up?" Barry questioned, popping out from behind a shelf.
"I'm going to Jitters. You want something?" Oliver asked.
"Yeah, I'm feeling a straight black coffee today." Barry said.
Oliver started laughing.

"What's funny?" Barry asked confused.
"You said "straight"," Oliver said, "it
was funny."

"What? Because I'm not straight?" Barry shook his head at the joke, as a way of laughing.
"Yes, you are far from it, babe." Oliver smiled.

"As are you." Barry said, walking over to him to kiss him on his lips. "Now go. I want my coffee.", he lightly pushed Oliver towards
the door.
"Wow. Pushy." Oliver laughed, "I'll be back."


"Welcome to Jitters. How may I help you, Oliver?" Iris asked, "You want the usual?"
"Yes, please, make that two." Oliver said, "Also, your dad wants his usual too."

Believe (Olivarry AU) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now