evil meets the dragon

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3rd POV:
It has been a few days since (y/n) got his deck and all the duel spirit's have been telling him about how his deck works and some combo's he could use to get a large number of them on the field but they seem very distant and cold only talking if they have to but he didn't mind that much because he still didn't fully trust them.

(Y/n) POV

I was standing leaning over the railings wanting something to happen but knowing this place that will be the seventh of never going to happen

(Y/n):"it's so boring why can't we get a TV to watch some dueling it would help me get through the day"

Then I and other inmates saw some guards escorting a man with a navy jacket with orange with brown gloves equipped with black jeans and top with a weird logo on it he has spiky black hair with streaks of yellow then ophion, bahamut, and ouroboros appeared beside me and start talking.

Bahamut:"this kid is one of the signers we should kill him"

Ophion:"patience my friend his time will come besides we want to kill him and his dragon"

Ouroboros:"I agree by the looks of it he doesn't even have a deck on him must be his first time"

(Y/n):"maybe I should be friends with him"

I say and the spirits all look at me like I spat in there father's Ashe's

Ophion:"are you insane he is our enemy"

Bahamut:"I know humans were stupid I didn't think they were to stupid to tell the enemy"

Ouroboros:"why were we cursed to have a host like you"

(Y/n):"first stop calling me host we are partner's secondly he is more likely to trust me if I act like his friends then we take care of him and his dragon"

They all laugh maniacally at what I say and agree to my plan

Bahamut:"you sure are a smart one so go over there and introduce yourself"

Suddenly masquerade comes out

Masquerade:"you have a very interesting idea maybe you aren't are stupid are we thought"

He says that in a weird complementary fashion

(Y/n):thanks I guess we'll see ya I'm going to meet my prey

Masquerade POV

We watch as (y/n) goes to that new kids cell I hate to admit it but he is starting to grow on me.

Masquerade:"it's strange he was only meant to be a means to a end but he reminds me of our creator"

I say genuinely telling the truth the our evilswarm look at me with a look forward sadness remember our maker...Well as much as a black dragon can show.

Bahamut:"now that you mention it (y/n) does sound and act like him a bit"

Ophion:"his hair style and colour reminds me of him why did this world have to take his life"

Ouroboros:he may be an idiot but he dose have a certain way about him.

We all watch as the two kids were talking and thinking how this plan will go down and how the others that stand in our way will fall.

Masquerade:"he will have to duel soon then we will see if he has what it takes"

We all nod and fade away into his deck.

(And done hope you like it there will be a duel next time I promise)

Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds x male reader (masquerade of evil)Where stories live. Discover now