y/n Vs vector... round 2

1K 13 64

All right everyone I hope you are all having a good day and I really hope that you all are ready for the rematch duel and tell me what you think of the duel. Now the chapter will mainly be about the duel between vector and y/n with a bit of y/n and Vector past and the reason why y/n forgot about vector. Now onto my question of the day and it is which of the three evilswarm dragons is the best in your opinion and why? For me it would have to be ophion because of his effect which can really restrict decks play styles. Now let's get on with this story


Y/n, vector:"Duel!!"

Y/n 8000

Vector 8000

Then a circle of purple fire surrounded us like when we first dueled and this time I knew I would need my monster spirits help

Vector:"I'll go first, draw! First off I'll summon evilswarm heliotrope in attack mode!"

When he placed his card down a hand shot up from the ground and pulled itself out like a zombie.

Evilswarm heliotrope atk 1950 Def 650

Vector:"then I'll set one card face down and call it a turn. Let's see what you can do y/n"

Y/n:"I draw! First off I'll play my spell card mystical space typhoon to destroy that facedown card of yours."

Then when I placed the card in my duel disk a typhoon come out of the sky and hit his face down destroying it and his card was forbidden dress

Y/n:"then I'll special summon evilswarm Mandragora in attack mode."

When I summoned my monster a plant came from the ground and it pushed itself out of the ground to reveal Mandragora

Evilswarm Mandragora atk 1550 Def 1450

Y/n:"then I'll summon evilswarm castor in attack mode!"

Then I started to hear someone running from behind us till castor ran past me and stood next to Mandragora.

Evilswarm castor atk 1750 Def 550

Y/n:"now it's time I'll xyz summon using both my level four castor and Mandragora to xyz summon evilswarm ophion!"

Then a black hole opened up above us with golden outlines around it as both of my monsters turn into golden balls and fly into the black hole as a defending roar comeing from the black hole. Then the feet of my dragon started to come down from the black hole as well as the rest of my monster who when it touched the ground it roared one more time at vector.

Evilswarm ophion Atk 2550 Def 1650

Y/n:"now I'll attack your evilswarm heliotrope with ophion!"

Ophion:"I see that you don't intend to lose this match"

Y/n:"not like last time let's show him what we can do"

Then black fire started to come out of ophion mouth and then ophion shot out a black fire ball at heliotrope destroying it and causing a gust of wind to blow vectors robe off of him.

Vector: 7400

Y/n:"now I'll activate ophion effect so that I can get a infestation card from my deck and I'll pick infestation pandemic! Now I'll set three cards facedown and end my turn"

Then three facedown cards appear on the field.

Vector:"well I draw! First off I'll summon evilswarm castor in attack mode"

Then I saw a figure behind vector jump from behind the trees and Infront of vector and got into a fighting pose.

Evilswarm castor Atk 1750 Def 550

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