final battle part 3

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Okay boy, girls, others, here is part three of the fight and the return of our strange character. Now for my question of the day and that is what Yu-Gi-Oh theme is your favourite? For me I would have to say GX since that was the one I grew up on so it's a little more special to me. Now let's get on with this story.


I looked on at the remaining three signers left and I was wondering who would get up to fight since that earthbound took a lot out of them a while ago.

Y/n:"well one of you three have to stand in or the duel will be forfeit to me and vector. Believe me I don't want to win that way so I would really like one of you to Stand in."

I then looked at the three remaining Duelists hoping that they were all alright to continue the fight but looking at them I don't think they could manage. I then saw jack begin to stand up though he looked a little shaky but when he was fully stood up jack look ready for a duel.

Jack:"I'll fight on until crow and yusei get better but I you will not be here long enough for that."

Just as I was about to get ready to duel jack along with vector.

Pegasus:"well said!!"

I immediately recognised the voice as all of us looked up to the sky where it was coming from and saw Pegasus coming down from the sky with the help of parachute.

Vector:"what are you doing here!?"

Pegasus then landed on the ground and took off his parachute then put it onto the ground.

Pegasus:"well you see y/n you told me when I was a younger man that crow was too weak to fight. So I hate to say this but I will be taking your place crow."

Crow:"who even are you!?"

Pegasus then turned around to face the remaining signers.

Pegasus:"how rude of me. I am y/n Pegasus head of individual illusion Crow my boy."

Jack:"how do you know our name's?"

Pegasus then pointed to me for some reason.

Pegasus:"y/n told me about all of you as well as when to turn up to help you all out."

I was getting even more confused by what this guy was saying since I don't remember telling him any of what he was saying I did.

Y/n:"when did I tell you any of this? I know you are strange but this is taking the piss a bit isn't it!?"

Pegasus then turned to me.

Pegasus:"it's complicated y/n my boy believe me but in the future you will understand and I will be in the dark about all this."

I nodded along with Victor but I did know that the both of us were confused about what Pegasus was talking about.

Pegasus:"now are we going to stand around here and talk or are we going to duel?"

Then Pegasus duel disk activated which was followed by Jack but I was happy that I would get to beat Pegasus again.

All four:"duel!!"

Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds x male reader (masquerade of evil)Where stories live. Discover now