the rematch of the swarms

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Hello everyone and how are you I'm doing fine and I hope that you are all ready to see y/n and Vector going at eachother again and just so you all know that I hope it is more unpredictable than the last time these two dueled. Now for my question of the day if you could take one card off of the ban list which one would you pick and why. For me it would have to be firewall dragon for obvious reasons. Now enjoy the story.


When the door opened I looked over as my monsters disappeared and the people who entered were everyone from Rex Goodwin mansion as well as a sector security and a girl I hadn't seen before and what I presume is the kids that live here were also entering the house.

Y/n:"hello everyone did Goodwin send you all here too?"

The signers all looked at me and they seemed quite surprised to see me here.

Yusei:"y/n what are you doing here?"

Y/n:"simple yusei Goodwin wanted to form an alliance so we both can fight our enemy's though the alliance will end when I beat vector"

Yusei:"who's vector?"

Y/n:"vector is someone who also uses evilswarms and xyz monsters and he also beat me"

Everyone was shocked after I told them what vector is earner due to him beating me or that face he also can xyz but I wasn't listening too much because I was thinking of where I was even going to meet vector.

Timeskip to when roman arrives

Yusei:who are you what do you want with us!?"

Yusei was yelling at a strange fighter who was standing outside of the house while we were all trying to eat. The the hood of his cloak fell back to reveal a man with tanned skin, white spiky hair, his iris was as black as the night sky and his pupil was a silver, both of his ears had golden piercings in a kind of diamond shape, finally he had purple facial tattoos on his face that started from the bottom of his chin then went up to the bottom of his eyes with two lines going to the left for the left eyes and right for the other with a circle below his lips.

???:"sorry to interrupt your dinner my name is roman and I bear the mark of the spider"

He rose his arm up and showed us a shining purple tattoo of a spider but I remembered it from the vision I had with the other signers which I'm guessing that the vision we saw is coming quite soon and I hope the signers can hold there own. Then the Roman guys eyes changed to look at me.

Roman:"ahh I see that vector wasn't lying when he said the you two had made an alliance to take us down. Well it's a good thing that vector made an alliance with us"

I ran over to the window and looked at the man directly into his dark eyes while mine were in pure anger.

Y/n:"listen you old cult leader you better tell me where vector is before I force it out of you"

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and when I looked back I saw that it was Akiza who had a small amount of concern on her face.

Akiza:"y/n you need to calm down this is probably what he wanted"

I stared to calm down as I realised that she was probably correct about that so I looked at her and I noticed that she was actually quite attractive.

Roman:"well I heard of your arrival y/n as well as four signer visiting so I thought I would come welcome you. Of course we dark signers have only one way of saying hello"

He then raised his left arm with his duel disk on it making it clear what he wants.

Jack:"bring it on"

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