Chapter Four - Absence makes the heart grow fonder. . . or confused

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It was a week later since she had that dinner with William.  Eric and William were now back at training for the Army and Evelyn spent her time taking a break from work.  As with what happens after every fashion show, she takes a bit of time to herself.  She needed it especially after the whole debacle with her ex-fiancé and ex-friend.  Thankfully, she hadn't heard from either of them since she found them together. 

Ever since their dinner that night they had been in as close contact with each other as they could.  They didn't get to talk on the mobile every day since he had training but when they did, she appreciated it.  They would only be able to chat for twenty minutes sometimes fifteen at the least.

Eric had stopped by the Bennett home for a short visit to see their mum and dad as well as the other siblings that were around.  Everyone was quite excited to see him as it had been close to seven months without seeing him in person.

Evelyn was now back at work as they were working on distributing the clothing items that customers had bought from her Spring 2007 line.  Loads of people loved the items and even bought three of the same pair.

Eve's building where her main headquarters was for her office was modern chic with splashes of the colour pink in certain areas.  Evelyn's office overlooked the city of London with big glass windows as she made it cosy with pictures of her with her family or at her first fashion show to her first raving review.  She had clear glass jars on different tables filled with sweets that she and the staff of her business ate whenever.

Her phone rang as she went into her office leaving Sam in charge for the few minutes she would be gone.

"Hey," William greeted Evelyn as she closed the door to the room.

"Hey," Evelyn smiled.  "How have you been?"

"I've been all right.  I'm at work now and were shipping out the orders to customers who have purchased from the spring line.  How are you?  Are they treating you well?"

She wanted to focus on William and not her brother mainly as she was able to have separate calls with him.

"As well as the military does," he told her shrugging.  "It's tough but then I think about all the loads of people I would be helping and that makes up for it.  Enough talk about my training," he concluded.  "I want to hear about your day.  How have things been since the show?"

"Well, I'm glad you're okay and that they're treating you all right," Evelyn told him as she smiled slightly.  "Things are going quite nicely.  We're sending out parcels of clothes to customers."

"Excellent," William commented on the success she had with her line.  "You know, I'm glad we were able to have that dinner before I left."

"Me too," Evelyn agreed nodding her head.  "It was nice."

It was nice.  Just being able to meet with him one on one and talk to him.  She hadn't expected to show him her vulnerability but after he pointed out her heartbreak, there was something about him that made her want to open up and normally didn't to anyone she didn't know.  

"Do you think we can meet up again some time?  When I'm back home."

"Yeah," she smiled.  "I'd like that."

Evelyn heard someone yell on the phone, "mate I've got to talk to my girl as well!  Give it up already."

Evelyn felt as though her breath caught in her throat.  She knew that the person on the other end of the mobile wasn't referring to William as his girl but it was like shattered glass hearing the term of endearment.  She was still pretty emotional about the breakup and felt as though she was barely floating on top.  Her work and family was keeping her afloat.  

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