Chapter Five - the finer things

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Three months until the wedding

5th September 2011

Their wedding planner, Fiona Shaw, was beautifully graced in a pale blue peplum dress, as she made sure to wear hosiery, nude heels and her hair and makeup polished to perfection.  She had been a wedding planner for over twenty years and Evelyn couldn't be more grateful for her expertise as she valued it greatly.  They sat in the drawing room at a desk where Fiona had notes and manila folders to keep things organised. 

"All right let's go over the list in order for how everything will go for your big day, shall we?" she asked the bride and she nodded her head agreeing.

"At 6:00am to 7:00am is when the morning of November 15 will start an announcement from the Queen's office stating the titles that you and Prince William will take.

"At 8:15am general wedding guests will start showing up at Westminster Abbey.  These guests will enter the church through the Great North Door.  8:50am VIPs, such as Governors and Prime Ministers of Countries under the Commonwealth of England, Diplomatic Corps and distinguished guests, arrive at Westminster Abbey.  They will enter the church through the West Door."

Evelyn let out a shaky breath.  

"Are you okay?" William asked his fiance as he grabbed her hand in his and brought it to his lap.

His hand grasping her face gently as he looked into those blue eyes that he had come to love in the last four years.

"Sorry, it's all just a bit much and I think I'm just seeing it as that.  There's so many details."

"It's all in the details," Fiona chimed in quietly as the bride turned to her slightly.  "I'm sorry if it seems a bit much.  We have so much to cover in such a short amount of time.  Please let me know if I overwhelm either of you at any point.  It's not my intention at all."

Evelyn kissed her fiancé's cheek lightly and turned to her wedding planner as her legs were together.  Fiona smiled at the love and tenderness that the couple shared with one another.

"It's quite all right.  I'm sorry -- I'm just not used to all of it.  Please continue."

Fiona nodded and did just so.

"At 9:10am William you and your best man, Harry, depart Clarence House.  9:15am you and Harry will arrive at Westminster Abbey.  9:20 members of foreign royal families including Prince Albert of Monaco and Prince Felipe and Princess Litizia of Spain arrive at the church.  9:20 your mother, Natasha Bennett and your brothers Theo, Noah, Jake and Eric will depart the Berkeley Hotel where you all are staying the night before and they will arrive at Westminster Abbey at 9:27.  The members of the Royal family will arrive at the Abbey at 9:30...."

She continued on, and if the couple were being honest were a bit bored of this.  All it seemed to them was a load of rubbish and numbers.  They just cared what time they had to leave the hotels and be at the Abbey.  Evelyn could feel her eyes glazing over and William nudged her slightly startling her.  Sending her a smirk, knowing this was all knew to her, thankfully the wedding planner didn't seem to mind or notice.

"Now your dress..." Fiona started to say.

"I'm having my first dress fitting in the middle part of this month."

"Excellent," Fiona said as she began writing everything down.

"You have it already?" William asked her.

"She has the design but they are working on designing it now."

"Can I see it?"

"Are you only joking?  Absolutely not," Eve teased him whilst William looked hurt but he was only joking as he put a hand over his heart.

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