Chapter Fourteen - Family time

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It was another week later and she was launching her Summer 2007 line soon.  Although people weren't able to fully enjoy it in June or July they will at least be able to for at least three months before her Fall line came out.

People always say that they feel like fashion designers always put new stuff out and that is because they do, especially Evelyn.  She always wants to make sure that everything is on top and new.

Evelyn felt as though she were constantly working on new creations and new ideas and the idea that she was always working on something different excited her.  She loved being able to let her creative side show and felt as though this was the way how she could.  Many people compared her work to her dad's work and although she understood why, she also wished they would stop.  What she does is completely different from what Peter does.  Peter understood as well and has made statements before congratulating his daughters success and defending her when people compared them to each other.  It made him sad to see that people didn't seem to value or appreciate her work for who she was and not because of her last name being who she was related to.  Evelyn was still her own person and should be treated as such.  He gave each of his children room to be their true authentic selves and felt as though the world should do the same.

Many people think that children who grow up from famous households whether it be there parents or another sibling don't have it hard--but that couldn't be further from the truth.

Everyone has their own battles that they deal with.  Many people may not find it to be a struggle, but it is.  Doesn't everyone deserve to be their own person?  To work hard for their own successes?  To struggle.  To succeed.  To know what it feels like when everything you have worked so damn hard is finally falling into place?  Evelyn struggled with not only the media but also people's preconceived ideas of her as a person that they hardly gave her a chance.  It wasn't until her internship for Teen Vogue did she finally feel like she had her own voice.  Not her dad's or brother's voices but hers.  

"Hey," Vivienne greeted her sister as she was pulled from her work.  "Ready to go to lunch?"

"Yeah," she grinned.  "Let me just get my things and I will."

Vivienne nodded her head and had a conversation with Antoine as she waited for her sister.  

"Alright Antoine, I'll be back in an hour.  Do you want me to bring you back anything for lunch?"

"Can you get me bubble tea, please?  I'll pay you back."

"Definitely and don't worry, you don't have to pay me back.  Do you want your favourite?"

Antoine and Evelyn's favourite thing to do together was go to their local bubble tea cafe close to their work building.  It was always so refreshing and it was a time that they took advantage of to really get to build on their relationship and find out what was new in each other's lives.  They both always got the green milk flavour as it felt refreshing and was the healthiest.

"Yes please, thank you."

Evelyn and Vivienne left soon after as they linked arms and walked through the streets of London where they were born and raised.  Many people would assume that if you were born and raised somewhere you would eventually grow tired of the place, but that wasn't the case for Evelyn.  She loved everything about London.  She loved the people.  The history.  The beauty.  Everything.  And although she had grown up in London her whole life, she always felt as though she were learning something new.  It never felt as though it boring to her.  

"How've things been at work?" Vivienne asked making small talk as they walked along the cobblestone streets.

"Its been good fun," she replied with a cheerful smile.  "A lot but it's always fun.  How has your school been?  I imagine a lot all at once. . ."

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